
Path to becoming a dentist

by Guest57858  |  earlier

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i'm a senior in high school right now and i wanna be a dentist. what exactly do i have to do? what undergraduate schools are good or have good programs? what classes do i have to take? how do i get into dental school? how many years of each school? also, one thing im confused about is pre-dentistry. first of all, what is it exactly? i heard it's just a program some colleges offer where you go in and say, "i wanna do pre-dentistry" and they give you all the classes you need for it. is this true? is it the same as pre-med/ pre-health? is it needed to get into dental school? if a college i wanna go to doesnt have "pre-dentistry", can i still take the required courses and apply for dental school?




  1. These links should really help you and the site is very comprehensive.

    Best of luck!!!

    JAMRDH- a dental hygienist

  2. You need to enrol into a dental school once you fin high school.

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