
Pathos of vertical distance - a haiku 4 U?

by  |  earlier

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Twenty floors down there

Jack hammers drill streets but here-

its like cows lowing

Of course, I only get to visit pent houses, but I'm sure the cultured residents of one of these would understand my drift, although how many of them would ever write something like this?




  1. Hi Myles  don't worry the slappers wont bug us today....

    the cow may moo

    the moon may

    be blue...its why

    i missed you ..

    kerry your always included..have fun

    Snizz why you hating my new friend dont see me slapping the Purple star...*sticking my pitch fork in yur assets*

    WHAT policy where?? your going coo coo

    HE emailed you that two timing b***** are fleas on fleas on fleas..

    Huh kerry what? she dont know her own son game ha haha

    Dont be sorry Kerry...Snizz just looking for trouble..

  2. i like like like!

  3. *SLAP*

    Seriously, I still wanna slap you very very hard upside the head!!!

    It can only improve things!!!

    Hi Kerry, the term slappers here and the English meaning are two different thangs.... Hey, didn't I tell you to translate in the language section???

    I also think her son's at soccer not football..she needs to figure out who she's talking to.......KERRY... you were supposed to do your community service in language!!!

    I think Slappers in UK English means F*ckers LOL

    hey who are you calling a slapper??

    EDIT TO LuLu: I'm just playing with your new friend, last night in my e mails he said he liked to get slapped a little harder :))))))))))))))) and then he made a goofy face...

  4. Hello Lulu, does that include me? lol

    I answered the "good evening blues" question but it got removed. :(

    Got to go now, son's at football :)

    Sorry snizz, yes he went to soccer, but it sounds strange. And I never thought about the slapper thing (it means tart here) (tart, but not as in jam tart, omg this is difficult. lol)

    Lulu, she's always looking for trouble! lol

  5. We're not all gone Lulu. Not many of us Miles but then again to each his own style.

  6. Not bad. What do you do for a living?

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