
Patio is unlevel. Water stands in the middle. How do I level this out?

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Patio was poured and not leveled for adequate drain off. Water stands in the middle. How can I fix this problem?




  1. Not much you can do. Other then pour a new slab.

  2. You can have someone "pump jack" the slab so it has some fall to the outside. Prior to this you will want to have them sawcut the slab so as they raise it - the slab cracks along those sawcut lines.

    The slab will crack if you raise it up - even just a little - however controlling where it cracks can be done with a sawcut using a concrete saw with a diamond blade.

    That is what I would do short of busting it out and removing it.

  3. rip it out .Start again. Only way . Self levelling conc is fine but it will not stay fine . It will not stick to old concrete.

  4. Best and easiest way would be to get self leveling concrete. They sell this stuff probably at your local hardware store. Just pour it where the un-level part is and it will automaticly level itself out with the exsisting patio. It may be a different colour though so you may want to paint the patio afterwards. If it is patio stones then just remove the stones where the unlevel part is and add some stone dust to even it out.

  5. Sounds like it is time to build a new bigger better patio with a hot tub and gazebo

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