
Patriots Question...?

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What makes the Patriots the prefered football team among America's homosexual community??




  1. tom brady probably. lol  plus patriots are free spirits i think

  2. the patriots? really? I thought teams with names like the cowboys, packers, and titans would have been more popular

    Its probably because of Tom Brady, who is a practicing metrosexual.

  3. g*y guys like the pretty colors on their uniforms....

  4. LOL

    Question is a little late, there hasn't been a Patriot fan sighting since the superbowl.  

  5. Pats fan right here so your question would be? really!

  6. As an avid Pats fan, I can say that we millions, some homosexual, some heterosexual. It doesn't matter. No matter which way we sway, we are completely devoted to our team. And if you are why most of the Pats fans are g*y, I just would like to direct your attention to the Cowboys. They know about g*y fans. I'm going to guess that you're jealous of the Patriots talent and are a homophobe. Just get a life.  

  7. its a mix of a few things

    Tom Brady

    They win alot

    Randall g*y

  8. Good question,

    something similar to what attracts the biggest football retards to the Packers, and the biggest retards in general to the Cowboys.

    I am sure the US Government is doing a study.

  9. So how long have you been a Patriot fan????

  10. I heard they where always g*y.

    The Eagles are a real hair on your chest mans man team baby!

  11. Because they got tired of the Cowboys.  
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