
Patsy Kensit - who do you think you are

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The new series is back on Wednesday and Patsy Kensit is the first one. Apparently she gets really upset at her father and grandfather's history. I read in a magazine that she was so upset that she got really depressed and stopped washing her hair.

My question is, that everyone in London knew/knows that her dad used to be involved in gang culture in the 60s, links to the Krays and Richardson etc, its common knowledge and knowledge that she already had too.

So why did the information she received about her dad's involvement in crime, upset her so much?

This is not a dig at her, Im genuinely interested to know why she might have had such a strong reaction, when she already knew of his criminal records and links with the underworld.




  1. Call me cynical but I doubt very much  she  had such a strong reaction she stopped washing her hair, its more like she  made that story up to promote her TV appearance and gain a bit of public sympathy.

  2. I thought the same thing, when she was younger and involved in the "brit flick" scene she used to use the fact to add to her "credibility" so it hypocritcal to pretend now.

  3. Good point. Maybe because only a few people realised this about her and now THE WORLD knows her dad was a heavy criminal. It's the only reason she got into TV. Through her father & his connection.

    She was the kid in the frozen peas advert.

    They're all pathetic, celebrities. WTF have they got to be depressed about?  

  4. Disgusting self-promotion. Nothing more nothing less.

  5. Well thats just it Actors . Act. Anything for publicity

  6. She has spoken about her criminal dad in interviews years ago so she was fully aware of his criminal past.  However, it must still be hard to have  two early deceased parents and one of them not being around when he was alive due to his imprisonment.  

  7. They  pay  these  people  to  go  to  the  toilet.  No  wonder  taxpayers  are  fed  up.

  8. What do you expect she is an actress.

  9. Just another overpaid, talentless tart, got where she is due to Daddy's influence, wouldn't do to upset one of "the hard boys" (hard boys my a*se)

  10. Patsy Kensit is the most boring character on TV

  11. I would imagine it's because she had never faced the reality of it.

    Not that thats a criticism. She was probably protected from the nastier details anyway.

  12. she's an actor? maybe she's putting it on for the publicity?

  13. Self pity and looking for attention

  14. there are worse things she could of found out

    she is such a drama queen , not washing her hair for goodness sake how ridiculous  

  15. I think it's not what she finds out about her own dad but her Grandad. She finds out the reason why her own Dad was like he was. Apparently...

    Never thought I would be answering a Q and sort of defending Patsy Bleedin'!

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