
Pau Gasol: suspended 10 games. Would this be fair?

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Jason Kidd is right. If an American, and particularly a black American, basketball star would have done this alone, he would be out for 5 games. Guaranteed. They get 25 K for rubbing their throat, this is much worse.

I say 10 games and 100 K




  1. that would be dumb rudy fernandez is gonna play for my team and to have him suspended that would suck btw this will only hurt





  2. Why only Pau?

    The entire team did it so they should all be suspended.

  3. There is nothing insulting about that I have tons of asian friends some of them chinese they just laughed their a$$ off. If that was done in the U.S. it wouldn't have even gotten the coverage it got in spain, why because we have freedom of expression where this "so called" racisism is happening everday!. No he doesn't deserved to be fined because 1. LIKE THE LAKERS ORG SAID IT'S NOT AN NBA MATTER!, 2. You know the players didn't choose to do it, it ws most likely something the publicist of the spanish national team came up with.

    you haters just want pau suspended because you know what type of impact he has on the lakers, it's just like i said with the country difference. You know if he was on the grizzlies you wouldn't have asked this question he's on the grizzles who cares they suck.

    J-kidd is NOT! african american that white douchebag, why didn't they qoute kobe or lebron - because they don't give a flying f^^k because you know it was funny that's why they didn't even say anything about something more serious that a stupid joke, DAFUR!!!!!.

  4. article below claims that its not first time that spanish sports have been involved in this kind of racial controversies. given that history, its difficult to believe it was just a joke. spain after all had decimated half the population of lands it conquered in the past. bottomline, the sponsor that made them pose like that was really stupid and spanish team can expect to be booed the rest of the games. and then we will see what the spanish players really are.  

  5. When did Jason Kidd say that? Do you have a link? And 10 games sounds fair.


  7. What did they do?

  8. Yes, all the NBA players on the Spanish team should be suspended for a few games. There is no need to promote racial gestures. There shouldn't be a double standard for them.

  9. I would agree if this was under NBA sanctions. But it's not. I think it's an issue that the NBA has to adress with foreign players, like how they do with rookies on conduct.  

  10. Franky,I don't think it really was a joke.

    If it was,there's no reason why their sponsor would want them to do it.

  11. 20 games and 100k

  12. Yeah that would be fair because the whole picture was childish and stupid. Those guys need to grow up .

  13. Are these days black people from WASP America finally allowed to have a seat on buses???

    Only a racist would find that gesture offensive.There was nothing wrong with that. Nothing that can be considered offensive, or racist. Have you seen the chinese people complaining at all?? My guess is that all this fuss was just a dumb attempt to put pressure on the Spanish team, since USA has got to play against them, and Lebron and all the NBA masterminds are shitting their pants. we need the gold medal!!! we need the gold medal!!! we are no longer admired!! we need the d**n gold medal this time!!! .So I'll give you 1 euro and you can go to F.ornicate U.nder C.onsentiment of the Now, you ve learned something.

    Learn this too; If you think that make their eyes slanted is A problem then you must think that having slanted eyes is THE problem. Then, boy, you are the racist here. You and the others.

    It's not entirely your fault, after all, I suppose your just another american idiot. You are from a country and a society that is racist to the bone, with the most apalling/genocidal historic record on Earth, a society that shouldn't be entitled to give lessons to NOBODY on this planet on that matter, which such a ******-up mindset and cultural approach towards diversity that you needed to create all kind of stupid euphemisms like afro-americans (like a boer, or an egiptian living in America??) and stuff like that because you have transformed merely descriptive words like n.egro or black into deeply derogatory words. That's why youre so ******* "politically correct" and keen to see racism everywhere. Cos you re sick.

    But that's just you, America. The world is much bigger. You re the ones with the ******-up mind. Not us. So shut up, stay in your fantastic country, don't ever come out of your cave and go to, you know where...

  14. I call BS on this.  First, this was not for an NBA event, it was for a publicity photo in his home country for a sponsor.  Second, if the NBA won't suspend and fine a black player for making racist comments about Asia (Shaq when Yao came into the league made some horrible statements imo), then they have no reason to do it now in an event outside the NBA.  Whatever we think about things, different countries are more or less sensitive to racial stereotypes in their humor.  You don't have to like it but it's true.  

  15. Well the NBA will not do anything.Pau is playing for Spain right now.It has nothing to do with the Lakers or the NBA!

    I 'm Asian ,so i hate looking at that pic .I don't care how ppl spin it ,its a racist pic.

    Why should the Lakers pay a price for what stupid thing Pau did in his own Country??

    The color of there skin has nothing to do with it.

    The NBA players would pay $$$ if they did something like that because there over as NBA PLAYERS First USA 2nd!!

    Do you even know the 14 other guys in that pic?Quit haters on Pau .

  16. Atathej is right. This is not under the NBA. The only thing that should happen is for China to kick them out.

    It is like suspending an adult student for smoking outside of school on the weekends.

  17. why only pau gasol?

    it should me Marc Gasol, Jose Calderon, Rudy Fernendez because all these players play in the NBA.

    I say 10 games suspension, 100k, and a Press conference in China for apology.  

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