
Paul DeGoey/South Buxton Accident-what happened and how is he?

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Paul DeGoey- a great modified dirt driver was t-boned in the drivers door door, in as hard a hit as I've ever seen in my 58 years . He had a terrible flip and landed on his roof off the track in a field.He left in a police escorted ambulance but was later flown to a london ont hospital in very serious condition .Looked like the other driver's gas pedal stuck goin' into three.would really like to know the story and especially how he is doin'





  1. Paul, is in hospital moved form critical to Intensive care..They are ordering another MRI & CT in 48 hours so we are still waiting..anyways here is the low down.

    Paul has some nerve issues with his right arm.. Right now there is NO movement in his right arm, but he does have movement in his right hand.. They suspect nerve damage also with his left eye but that could be b/c of swelling..He has a factured sinus bone, with a few minor fracture in his face the Dr. said no worries with those, he also has a little blood on the brain.. He has a right Black you can imagine he does not look his best.. As for his arm they will be doing EMG test within 2-4 weeks just to see the severity but no answers yet .. We just have to wait :-(..

    he is at the Victoria hospital in London

    Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers

    Pauls Sister


  2. I contacted a cousin of paul de goey to find out how he is. he is doing good and could possibly be released on wednesday. he had a very bad concussion, a broken sinus bone in his face which will heal on its own in time. the worst is his left arm which he has lost some feeling but can move his fingers, could be a pinched nerve from swelling.  they will wait a couple of weeks to see if it will heal itself. other than that he is doing well.

  3. I have been wondering how he is as well. I haven' t been to the races for a while but my brother (Brad Authier) races out at Buxton and I know how family members worry when loved ones are out on the track.  I hope he is doing well but from what I have seen of the photo's on face book it doesn't look good. I hope someone out there can let us know the condition of Paul.

  4. Julie thanks so much for the update.  Have heard things on the news and radio but nothing definite from anyone close to the situation.  Glad to hear that Paul is doing at least a little better and now i have a response should anyone ask.  Yesterday at Delaware i got asked about 10 timesif i knew anything and all i could tell them was what i saw at the track.  Thanks again for the update

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