
Paul Gadd the Paedophile has refused to come home !?

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currently in the VIP lounge at Bangkok refusing to board a flight!. Upset he will not be allowed to go preying on children anymore. Aww diddums, he's gonna get his passport confiscated so can't go and rape children in places like Thailand and Philipines anymore.

I think the Thai Police should FROG MARCH him up the plane steps at gun point. What do you think?




  1. shoot him at the airport and have it done with !!!!

  2. We certainly do not want him back--put him on a plane to Afghanistan,they would love him there! Having said that.he is no better or worse than all the other criminals and scum we let into this country from around the world!!

  3. Why should we want him back?  Passports can only be suspended for 6 months and it would confine him to the UK where he could still attack children!!

    Add to that he will almost certainly be entitles to the same new identity and protection afforded to Salman Rushdie and the Soham killers girlfriend!!

  4. d**n right, force him onto the plane, or sedate him by shooting him with a tranquiliser gun.

    He's a sick freak who thinks he's above the law.

  5. you bet ye, get him on that plane.

  6. h**l the Church must be panicking then.

  7. I think two things :

    (1) he in in desperate need of advice not to try it in the Philippines.  The Philippines are not like the Vietnamese or Thai. The Philippines are trigger happy when it comes to executions.  If he is found guilty in the Philippines of mollesting children I am sure he will be executed for that and the British Embassy cannot save him.  Also, he won't last a week in a Philippines prison.

    (2) I find it very, very strange that he is not being compelled to board the plane and fly back home, UK.  In all other cases, when you serve a sentence in a foreign country you are ALWAYS taken forcibly to the airport and sent back to your country of origin.

  8. Put him in a sack in steerage - but I was never very charitable to people who exploit children at any level!

    Perhaps the little scroat will try to do a "Tom Hanks" and live at the airport.

  9. Couldn't agree more.The trouble is that the world is full of do gooders and the PC brigade queueing up to defend this scumbags "human rights"without a thought for the kids that he abused.We live in a f****d up society where all the priorities are wrong.

  10. I think we both where on the same wave length. Bring him home put him on the fourth plinth in Trafalgar square with a sign round his neck so the world can see what a scum bag this man is. Then take his passport away and make him report to a police station every week

  11. He should be emasculated immediately.

  12. He should have no rights to refuse, he should be deported immediately.  

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