
Paul Pierce stated he is the best player in the NBA?

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Well is he? I think not and Pierce is good though but theres a good bit better lets start with Kobe (da best), Lebron,Iverson,Chris Bosh,Chris Paul,Yao Ming,Carmelo,Tim Duncan, Manu Ginobli, Garnett whose on his team, even Rip Hamilton and more...come on Pierce get real.

Anways whose better or is he the best ?




  1. He did that what in the world is  he thinking he is good but no were neer the best he is crazy!!!!!

  2. that dumbshit isnt even in the top 10 of the nba stars right now

    (kobe is the best)

    (pierce is a stupid conceited beaver)

  3. Kobe is the best! Paul Pierce wouldn't have even made the playoffs(again) without KG and Ray Allen.

  4. When Pierce had a c**p team, depending on Delonte West and Wally World for support, he gave us a good laugh, not a good team.

    When Lebron had to depend on Delonte West and Wally World, he gave us the 2nd round of the playoffs.

    Pierce isn't even the best player on his team.  

    Pierce is a black hole. Throw the ball there and its never coming back.

    i.e. Why Coach K didn't want him on the Olympic squad

  5. the first guy that answered is just pissed off cause the lakers got owned by the celts... if kobe was better then MJ then they wouldnt have lost by what like 36 or something?

    Paul is NOT the best in the NBA but dont hate just casue he said it.. doesn't every good player think he's the best?

  6. he can't help himself being a P I M P!

  7. you said it- all those players you just mentioned are better plus Joe Johnson of the Atlanta Hawks is better than Pierce. Anyone who follows the NBA and has seen Joe play knows this.

  8. Even though the Celtics won the championship, Paul Pierce is good but Kobe is still a lot better than he is.

  9. I definitely believe him, and about 100 other players claiming that they are the "best".....

    Actually as of right now, I would consider Paul Pierce the best after this 2007-2008 season, because he did help win the NBA Championship, he averages over 20 ppg., he's given so much blood, sweat & tears to this sport and he also is popular among fans, which is a good selling point.

    I would not consider Kobe "the best" in 2007-2008, because his rings were "old news" and he did not win them this season. Kobe was "the best" during those seasons he won the NBA Championship, but Michael Jordan deserves the label of "Best of All Time", because of his overall performance and NBA Championship wins.

    Next year, who knows? Maybe there will be a new team to win the championship for 2008-2009 and a star may emerge as next season's "Best". I'm not taking Paul Pierce's claim to heart, but based on his performance, he has the right to claim something because he has a ring.

  10. he is a--------liar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. He isnt even the close to being the best. If he was the best he wouldve done somethin with his team before garnett and ray allen got there. he is the worst of the big 3 on their team. he was only captain cuz he was there for the longest.

    Kobe Bryant is definantly the best basketball player in the world. All the names u mentioned are better than he is. and u forgot steve nash and tony parker and dwight howard and dirk novinski and tracy mcgrady and vince carter...there are countless number of ppl that are better than him. He musta been drunk from all that shampane they had.

    Kobe is definently the best player. But chris bosh sucks. he isnt good at all, too goofy

  12. Look, what does it really mean to be the best player in a game that is a team sport. I can’t put a finger on it. If I take 7 categories: a) ability to score, b) ability to play team offense, c) ability to lead on the court, d) ability to play defense, e) ability to play team defense, f) ability to be clutch, g) ability to lead off the court in the locker room, …and then give each player a score in each of the 7 categories, then I get about 5 players who I think could claim to be “best” and one of them is Paul Pierce, another is Kobe. Lebron is unproven in too many categories. Tim Duncan and Kevin Garnett are both very high. (for each player I am going to give numbers based on their best year in the last three years… kind of like they do in golf and tennis rankings). Now if you don’t believe me, then put the numbers in the categories yourself and see what you get.

  13. Wheres Bosh in da list man??

  14. stfu

  15. this is being talked about to much.  anyways.... heres a list of sg and sf that are better.  







    Joe Johnson

    Arenas(even he play point hes really a 2)

  16. no hes not, theres plenty of players better than pierce.  the celtics won because ray allen came back to life and kg was carrying them through games where neither could do anything.

  17. That faker Pierce keeps thumping his chest now that he has KG and RA.  What did he do before that..... thump his ace?

  18. No...KG is actaully better than him, so that doesnt make him the best.....and I agree with you.....

    Kobe is the BEST!!

  19. He's the best.

    No just kidding WTF!!! He sucks compared to all of those players. He faked a injury and tried to act like a hero.

    He couldn't do anything w/o Ray Allen and Kevin Garnett.

    -Mister J

  20. come on, mr. pierce, this decade, only two players stand out as an addition to the 50 greatest players in the NBA, TIm Duncan and Kobe Bryant.  Even on the Celtics team, KG is a lot better than Pierce and KG is the reason (and maybe Allen) why they got this year's championship.

    I think this man has a pierce in his head lol.

    Next time i will tell Manny PAcquiao to silence you when he see you.

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