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Like the other guy said... if Hitler was on his way to Berlin and he saw a vision, so he converted to become a jew, then he preached for many years and published about 20 books... Would Jews follow him and include his letters and teachings in their gospels?

Paul was the very same way. He persecuted Christians and he was arresting them to be executed. How come people trust him so much and treat him as if he was a disciple of Jesus? If I were a Christian in the time period, I would not trust him so much. What do you think?

And why are the last names of Mark,Matthew,John and Luke not known?




  1. 1. His vision was authenticated by Ananias a disciple of christ at who's house his sight was restored.

    2. He was accepted by the apostles.

    3. Played an important role in the spread of christianity.

    4. His writing's display a deep understanding of christianity

    5. Died a martyr.

    Paul was truly saved, a converted sinner is very important for christ.

  2. it took a long time for him to be accepted

    and it would take a long time for hitler as well

    however people being stupider nowadays

    they are a little more gulible and i think that might speed up the prossess

    for hitler

  3. It is an interesting question. I have not been asked this before.

    Paul made a complete turn around. He dedicated his life to serving the Christian God. Before he wrote the letters in the Christian gospel and started teaching, he studied the scripture for over 10 years (i think 12 or 14 or something).

    When he first started preaching, the Christians did not trust him. They were (rightly so) sceptical of him.

    If Hitler admitted what he did was wrong, and spent many years in dedication to Jews & everything they stood for (and he stood against) and then did not wrong them after, but proved himself truly repenting and sorry...

    I cannot speak for them, but although it would take much forgiveness, i believe it would be possible.

  4. In fact, the early Christians did not immediately accept Paul, and he always had to butt heads with them on church leadership issues. they took him in because he was genuine, and he was really good at recruiting. Let's face it, Christianity is all about forgiving the biggest of sins, so it would have been hard to reject him. then all of the modern atheists would be making a point about that, wouldn't they?

    Last names were not common. Usually you were just called the 'Son of...' We know that Peter's name was Simon BarJonah, meaning Simon, son of Jonah. He later became known as Simon Peter because christ nicknamed him Peter (Gr. Petra = rock). The only others that I can recall having a recorded last name were Joseph of Aramathea, Mary Magdalene, and Judas Iscariot.

  5. well in Paul's time most people would easily believe in miracles. so something like a prosecutor doing a good deed would be some kind of miracle in his time.

    I think for the record all people mentioned in the bible didn't have a last name. They usually have titles like John the evangelist or something. probably last names were not used in the early days.

  6. Because it's a fairy tale.

    and Who cares about Paul, gosh, your like saying why did Robert Langdon trust the church people in the first place in Angels & Demons.

  7. ....last names not known? That's the least of their worries... how about the fact that nobody knows who wrote the NT, or when it was written, or what changes the early and very corrupt church made... and what about that tiny issue about Christian claims not being recorded by even a single historian... its almost as if Christianity is like every other religion - made up.

  8. Hitler could  convert himself to judaism but could not have rightful claim to assert himself a Jew.

    Paul was an imposter appointed to persecute the real Jews of the time i.e.disciple of Christ and succeeded in managing persecution of hundreds of Jews owing allegiance to christ.

    It is too late to know their last names, now.What ever is available it is sufficient to identify them.This should be sufficient now.

  9. Well, the people didn't trust him at first.  The only reason that they had anything to do with him is because the Lord told Ananias to go to Paul, restore his vision (which had been taken away when he was miraculously converted on the road to Damascus), and accept Paul (Saul) as a fellow Christian.  

    Jesus can change anyone's heart and make them a new person.  Paul was changed completely after his conversion and became the foremost preacher, apostle, and writer in the service of Christ in his day.  Of course I would trust him because God said that he was trustworthy was selected by God to serve Him.

    Mark, Matthew, John, and Luke didn't have last names because they were not in use at the time.  Sometimes people used names like "Jesus bar Joseph" as a name but all that means is "Jesus the son of Joseph."

    Ignore what Verite says.  There is information that covers every one of the statements he makes that gives a more than adequate answer.  He just doesn't want to have a light shown on his ignorance so he refuses to look any of this information up.

  10. Are you a Holocaust denier?

  11. Paul is dead.

    Actually he's not but it's only a matter of time before Ringo outlives him.

  12. The Christians did not trust Paul at first. This is recorded in Acts 9:26. He proved himself, however.

    And, to answer your last question, surnames were not in use until recent times. a person was designated, son of someone.
You're reading: Paul??????????????????

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