
Paul the Octopus' cousin to predict Blackpool scores

by Zom Leeman  |  11 years, 3 month(s) ago

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The cousin of 'psychic' World Cup octopus Paul is carrying on the family tradition by predicting Blackpool's results for the rest of the season.

The Premier League newcomers are hoping Ollie can fill the void left by the death of Paul last month.

The octopus, named after Blackpool boss Ian 'Ollie' Holloway, will use the same method to guess scores, choosing between two boxes in his tank with team names on the side, both of which will contain fish or mussels.




  1. shopingg
    The cousin of 'psychic' World Cup octopus Paul is carrying on the family tradition by predicting Blackpool's results for the rest of the season.

    The Premier League newcomers are hoping Ollie can fill the void left by the death of Paul last month.

    The octopus, named after Blackpool boss Ian 'Ollie' Holloway, will use the same method to guess scores, choosing between two boxes in his tank with team names on the side, both of which will contain fish or mussels.


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Latest activity: 11 years, 3 month(s) ago.
This question has 1 answers.


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