
Pay? What's good pay and what's not? (UK)?

by  |  earlier

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basically, i would like to know the pay salaries, and what would be considered a good career and what is not? What would you consider to be normal, and a reasonable standard of living?

the current national minimum wage is £5:52, so this is the lowest and can be achieved with little qualifications.

would £8 an hour be considered good?

What about £10 an hour?

£12 an hour?

£15 an hour?

£20 an hour?

any advice would be graetly appreciated. For someone who is doing a degree, what should they be ideally earning? If they have a degree, whats the lowest they will earn?

if you say pay salaries a year, could you exlain that to me and how much that works out in an hours pay?

Any additional info would be great!





  1. It will always depend on which degree they have and which job they do. My son has a MSC and Phd in Physics, is an IT contractor and earns £500 a day.

    Some people with degrees can't find jobs and are on minimum wage. In the Uk the professions are where you make your money.

  2. 12-15 per hour is average.

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