
Pay to throw away your rubbish!?

by  |  earlier

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1. What a bunch of bull****

2. Can I afford this? No... this goverment has already screwed me over with thier ray beyound complicated methods (not getting into this)

3. I bet there's tonnes of forms to fill out and numbers to ring

4. I bet I'll need to buy a new passort too!

5. They want me to recycle?

Recycle HOW? I can't drive and what's more I don't intend to learn how. That's my part of protecting the environment.

'There are a record number of people migrating from the U.K?'

Oh really? I wonder why...




  1. I work for a city that used to bill for trash collection.  In my experience, the whole situation was a mess.  We stopped service for those who didn't pay, thus causing trash to pile up in people's yards, or people would "steal" the service from their neighbor.  It  created alot of unnecessary work for several departments at city hall.  The finance department had to pay another full time employee to handle billing and collection related functions, the building department had to employ more inspectors to enforce "trash hoarding" code violations.  The police had to enforce "theft of city services" laws.  If you ask was a huge waste of taxpayers money!  The fee we collected (ten dollars a month) was used to pay the trash hauling contractor.  It didn't cover the other expenses incurred with this arrangement.  As of the first of this year, the $10 a month is added to everyone's property tax most cities do anyway!  You are going to pay the service either way, but I don't think individual billing is the best way to do it.

  2. We already pay to have our rubbish taken - it's called Council Tax

    But, I get where you are coming from - total c**p - just another tax hiking con and the answer is simple - PUNISH the producers of the rubbish that is not recyclable - the manufacturers and supermarkets that don't apply themselves

  3. fly tipping will go mad you will have to put a lock on your bin because others will put there rubbish in yours. some will not pay so now we have more rats and desiese . then soon the plague  half of everyone is dead, to include the loons at the counsil and government. and we can start again with a sensible idea..

    p.s  maybe its not so bad after all

  4. Charging households extra just to remove their rubbish, on top of the Council Tax we all have to pay, is simply not going to work.

    Already where I live, people are beginning to dump rubbish in the woods.  We're slowly being turned into a dumping ground.  Why?  Because people will simply dump unwanted rubbish along roadsides and anywhere in the country turning UK into one massive filthy dump.  It's already happening, but gready councils continue blindly on down to road to h**l.

    Yes, record numbers are indeed leaving UK.  Can't say I blame them.  UK is now just a dump, lead by rats.  We're over taxed, uncared for and totally pissed off.

  5. It's amazing what those in power can actually force upon the apathetic British public who unfortunately make up the majority of the population.

    If tried in most other countries they would be in the streets and bringing the economy to a standstill.

    In the UK people don't have time to protest - they're too busy trying to make money to live the British dream - 2.4 children and a foreign holiday every year - etc.

  6. I think if this paying for rubbish collection despite a promise in the reduction of council tax comes in that there will be a lot more people dumping their rubbish to get rid of it elsewhere so they don't have to pay and people putting their rubbish in other people's bins. I believe that it should continue when you pay your council tax that this should include rubbish collection. I already am in a high council tax band and get no reduction despite the fact we have no sewerage line - only a cesspit which we have to pay the council to empty, we have no street lighting and the town we live near is a complete dump badly in need of a complete overhaul from everything from roads to general maintenace.

  7. I lol'd at the comment in the news report that said people would go for this in order to keep their CT bills down.  Are British people really this short-sighted?  the charge will come in and then the bleedin' CT bill will go up again anyway!

    Like a couple of other respondents have said, instances of fly-tipping will increase.

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