
PayPal Debit Card help please

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I was going to apply for the PayPal Debit Card, but I would like others input whether it's worth it or not.

Rather than transfer funds from PayPal to my bank account, this seems like a good idea, but after reading some other posts now I'm not sure.

I've heard complaints from funds not being available to not being able to with-drawl from ATM's and possible hurting your's that work, it's a debit card?? I'm confused.

Anyone's input whether it's a pro or con, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!




  1. its just like a regular debit like you get from a bank

    I never had any problems using the debit card (plus I could check my balance at any ATM as well) (inside of going online)

    I think people who were complain about not being to withdraw money

    from a ATM either didn't have a PIN number or didn't you know that

    paypal will charge you a fee for withdraw money from ATM

    (I just went a merchant (like CVS and got cash back that way with no problems)

    now the only warning I have is if you chose to have backup funding

    with the card dont use your checking account

    as your funding source then all pay pals transactions will go though even though you might not enough in your paypal or checking account

    causing you an overdraft fees from your bank)

  2. I think it probably would be ok and paypal is a decent company. I've been a seller (and buyer) on Ebay for years and its all I use-but I don't see the need because just as quickly as you can have your paypal funds transferred to that account, you can have them transferred over to your regular checking and use THAT Atm/debit card. Its fast but it does take a couple days-its a transfer-some people don't realize that. Full disclosure info would be on the site-read it in full. Its there for your education and they have tutorials on everything. I don't sign,get or do anything without reading small print-its there for a reason.

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