
PayPal Trouble, HELP ME FAST!?

by  |  earlier

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I have sold an item on Ebay and when i go to print postage label it sends me to PayPal website, however when i go to complete collection and payments, it keeps asking me to Add Funding Source. I've been using PayPal for 2 weeks now and i havent had this trouble before with collection and payments. I have already 2 outstanding orders so could this be why? PayPal already have my bank account details for ebay and this kind of thing. But now its telling me to Add Funding Source???????????? And when i add a debit card it keeps telling me to contact, and there no use? Why is this happening all of a sudden???????




  1. Add Funding source usually means to add a credit card in which you'd like the money to be added to. Maybe you should consider changing your method of payment to cheque or Cash

  2. Have you used "print postage label " before? I sell on ebay and im sure you have to pay using paypal to print off a label. Perhaps if you havent sufficent funds in your paypal accont it is asking for another method?

    Sorry if this dosent help. Have you tried the community on ebay? They have an answers section and if you search you may find someone who has had simalar problems to you, with details on what to do. Failing that you could post a query. Replies, in my case, seem to have been pretty quick

  3. It could be a problem with your credit card, or insufficient funds.. Meaning you don't have enough money the card.

  4. Phone them on 0870 730 1392.

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