
PayPal updated website question. How to tell if it is a confirmed payment?

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So PayPal recently updated their website. I received a payment and before I ship anything out, I always check to make sure the buyer's address is confirmed because of all the c**p that can happen if it's not. But, with their new website, I don't see anything where it says if it is or not. All I can see is that the buyer is "unverified" which doesn't usually mean much but is not all that good for a seller.

Please let me know how to tell if it is confirmed or not?




  1. It the buyer is shown as "unverified", that means he/she didn't pass PayPal security checks. Like you said, it might not be serious, it's entirely up to you whether to take the risk or not. As far as the address go, as long as the buyer provided a credit card to his/her PayPal account, and the address on the card matches the shipping address, it should show as confirmed address. You should contact PayPal directly and see why it doesn't show up. If it's because the buyer didn't have a card on file, you can contact the buyer directly and tell him/her to do so. Go to this website for more information about confirming an address: and it has more detail info about seller protection.

  2. First off, the difference between verified and unverified means nothing.  A verified account can send unlimited payments through PayPal and withdraw unlimited amounts of funds, where-as an unverified accounts has restrictions for how much they send and withdraw.  Now I'm a little confused about your question, another agent and myself tested your problem with our PayPal accounts.  She sent me a payment, and both in the transaction details page and in the email I received telling me I got paid, both showed the address was confirmed.  However, the email that shows you received money does not show if you are eligible for seller protection, but your transaction detail page within your PayPal account will show your eligibility.  

    Let me know if this answers your question.

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