
Paying for bottled water? How do you feel about it?

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Do you buy bottled water and drink it? I reminds me of the TV commercial were two hippies are in a stream and one say "Hey we should bottle this and sale it!" "The other hippy says "everyone would think we were nuts if we did that!"

So it it? Are we stupid to buy bottled water and pay from $1.00 to $3.50 for it. Notice some are not even spring water. Just minerals added to tap water to make it taste better?

Do I drink it? Yes but I make sure it's at least the better tasting water... I like Deer Park........ or even the Weis brand is excellent. Some of the well known types taste just like tap water.




  1. How do I feel about it, I hate it and vowed to never again buy bottled water.  My reasoning is much like what Princess said, that we need to keep this plastic pollution out of our landfills.  Reusing refillable containers that can go with you anywhere is what I now prefer.  I get my water purified right out of the air, and since it's not from the tap, I'm getting pure water without the pharmaceuticals regular tap filters don't remove.  I've found a machine that will pull and purify water out of the air and even add vitamins and flavors if you want.  This system makes water for roughly .08 per gallon since all you have to do is plug it in.  Also, using the system reduces demand on precious groundwater resources.  How about that idea for going green?!?

  2. been drinking bottled water for years ,our tap water makes me gag just brushing my teeth ,!!!!

  3. Just remember that not everyone lives in a country where the tap water (if it's even available) is healthy enough to drink except after boiling.

    Filters are expensive, need cleaning or renewing and are slow, by the way.

    Not all bottled water is 'designer label'; for some it's a necessity, and not always expensive. Would you complain about paying 35 cents for a 5 gallon bottle of drinking water?

  4. If it is purified then there is nothing wrong with it. There is no more regulation in the bottled water industry as there is for your tap water. Check out the companies web site to see what they do to their water. The two best bottlers out there that I have seen so far is Aquafina and Deer Park. They both have extremely good purification systems.

  5. i will buy it if i have no choice (eg driving long distances and no taps) but generally no. tap water is just as safe and good. plus think of all those plastic bottles going straight in the rubbish when we can simply use a cup and the tap.

  6. I don't buy it . I refill gal jugs for 15cents and I use it to make ice cubes, sun tea, or for soups. Cooks Illustrated, says to use purified water to keep your soups clear.

  7. Just buy a water purifier and attach it to your faucet at home. If you need to carry water around with you, just buy a reusable plastic bottle and fill it up with the purified water.

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