
Paying for damages to other drivers vehicle after accident?

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Recently I was involed in an accident. I was driving my boyriends rental car. I assumed he didn't insure it using his insurance or the company's insurance. Later I found that of course all rental places have the vehichles insured. I recieved a ticket for "No proof of insurance" can i use that insurance as proof af insurance to avoid paying the ticket. I also would like to pay for the damages to the car out of pocket without getting the rental insurance company involed. What do i need to do next.? My court date is in August. I live in Georgia. This all happened in Fayetteville, GA. The proof of no insurance was my only citation but the cop said i was at fault. I really want to get this over with.




  1. Were you a listed driver on your boyfriends rental agreement?  If not, the rental insurance won't cover you anyway.

    Being uninsured, you won't have much choice but to pay whatever the rental company wants out of your pocket.

    That will be completely separate from your court date in August.

  2. You need to take the proof of insurance from the rental office to court to get the ticket waved. You need to tell the other parties insurance company and them that you will pay damages out of pocket after you receive an estimate. Bad news, they could go to the highest repair shop in town in this case and claim a lot of extra repairs or just use the most expensive place in town. You might request at least 3 estimates like an insurance company often does.

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