
Paying for food at a University in Australia?

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Theoretical situation here: A student studying abroad in Australia, his tuition is completely paid for but he has to get a job, most likely minimum wage, to live there. After his rent is all paid for at the end of each month, is there going to be money for food/clothes/extra expensives? I heard Australia is expensive, so basically what would it be like living there as a poor student? Would it even be possible?




  1. I can't guarantee it, it depends on your Visa, but you may be eligible to take a casual job with the companies that sell the food at Uni, and also at the big sports stadiums.. My son did it for a few years, but he is an Aussie. Try Spotless Catering and see how you go.

  2. A student visa allows you to work for up to 20 hours per week during the semester and unlimited hours during official breaks. The adult casual minimum wage is around $17 per hour, so he could earn over $300 per week if he works the maximum legal hours. After tax, this would be around $213 per week. Shared accomodation would be around $100 - $120 per week which would probably include some food.

    In short, he would need to live simply, but he would have enough to feed and clothe himself with a little left over for transport, entertainment and other expenses.

  3. ... Well... U might have to fight for a job at starting but it's not very hard to get one. Around $250 is what u'll earn as a student doing 20 hours of work every week. I think it'll be enough for you to carry on ur expensive if spent resonably.

    Australia is not really expensive if u earn here.

  4. It is possible, because many students do it.

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