
Paying to fly, so you get paid to fly.?

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I really don't understand why someone would lay down 50-100k to become and airline pilot, which starts off with getting paid 20-30k a year. I understand being a pilot has it's ups and down's. (not pun intended) but is there a [cheaper] way of working my way up, besides joining the millitary?




  1. Well, for one, you could stay away from those big crank 'em out airline schools and find some little mom and pop flight school out in the country. Not only will it be cheaper, but you won't spend 30 minutes in the runup area waiting for 35 of your fellow students try to squeeze in their departures between 35 other students practicing touch and gos.

    The practice areas are closer and usually less crowded. Your instructor will probably be some old gray haired guy (or gal) who's actually interested in teaching flying, and has the experience to pass on a lot of useful wisdom.

    Get a job at a flight school doing anything. You'll get a break on the aircraft rental and instruction usually. Also, there may be times when they'll need you to move a plane for them or go fly to the airport 50 miles away to get a part for something. Make yourself available and known at the airport (but not for doing dumb stuff!) Usually you can work yourself onto the instructor roster at the flight school right after you've gotten your CFI. They know who you are by then and they know that they can trust you.

    It's much more than plonking down a bunch of cash and  getting a job. How badly do you want it?

  2. The military is the best way to go. Flight school is too expensive. I don't know of any commercial flight school for under 50k.

  3. Because it's fun and beats working for a living

  4. An airline pilot starts off with getting paid about $16,000 a year.

  5. Nope. And if you don't understand it you won't make it.

  6. You gots ta pay if you wants ta play.

  7. not sure how to answer this question

    imagine a luminated flight deck with the sun rise approaching as your office

  8. 20 years ago it was worth the 25K to take commercial training and get paid 50-100K a year (1980's pay..), but now there are too many pilots (even military pilots) that are having a tough time finding jobs and, hence, the pay has dropped considerably...  But the cost of flight training keeps going up...  more regulation, fuel costs, hourly rates for instructors, insurance, etc...   Some day it will have to even out somehow.. not sure how though....

  9. Build your own plane and charge people to fly with you.

  10. If you think that the only opportunities in aviation are with the airlines, then you have only yourself to blame.

  11. Its very expensive to become an airline pilot, I spent almost 100k.  I now make only 25k a year as a first officer at one of the top regional airlines.  Pay increases with seniority, and employer.  If you are thinking about becoming an airline pilot, you need to know its not as glamorous as it seems.  I'm away from home an average of 18 - 20 days month.  A typical day starts between 4am and 10am, fly between 6 - 8 legs, get to the hotel and typically have about 10 hours before show time the next morning.  Its not a lifestyle for everyone, but I love to fly, and there is nothing else I would rather do.

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