
Paypal question ftw.?

by  |  earlier

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How can i get money for paypal? :[ I only need a bit, like, 10-25 dollars, i can't sell stuff on ebay and i'm under 18. I need it faaaast. Any help?




  1. Get a job and a credit/debit card.

  2. You can't open a PayPal account without a credit card and/or a bank checking account.  So, you've gotta get your parents to help.  Bummer, huh?  

    Don't worry, when you hit 18 and get a job you'll be bombarded with offers for credit cards.

  3. when your under 21 most banks allow kids to have a savings account "sometimes referred to as young savers" you could go to a bank with your parents and make one, (it shouldn't be the one you might possibly have already)

    with that it can be tied into a paypal account, and your parents will be able to view what you've put into it, which in a way is them allowing you to do it with their permission.

    or you could get their permission and have them transfer funds if they have their own account to yours with a email check, you just give them the money and they send it to your paypal
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