
Paypal quetion????????

by  |  earlier

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I just ordered a ps3 off ebay and payed for it through paypal. So i went to look at the order deatils on and is says that The recipient of this payment is Unverified. So i was just wonderin what this means. thanks!




  1. i get that same thing

    think it means that the source of your funds

    hasnt been verified recently by Paypal

    no biggie

  2. It means you paid someone money who hasn't verified his identity with a credit card, bank account, or a home address check.  

    Paypal verifies users to try to prevent people from stealing credit cards and committing fraud with their website.

    It doesn't necessarily mean anything bad.  I have used paypal for seven years now and I verified myself right away.  When my credit card expired my status went to unverified for a while until I updated my credit card.

  3. I think it's "normal," but if you're really not sure then click the link 4 "Customer Service" on the PayPal website.

  4. Getting Verified Means More Security for You

    When you're sending and receiving money, "Verified" status is your stamp of approval. It lets other members know you're a confirmed PayPal member with a current, active bank account. Boost your credibility and the overall security of the PayPal network.

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