
Pcos??? Help I'm going crazy!?

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PCOS runs in my family. My aunt has it, and it's so severe that she cannot conceive. She has tried for a baby for...15 years now. I know that it's possible for the disease to get worse as time progresses, with less chance of conceiving. Am I right about that?

I do want a child of my own. My question is, will it be harder for my boyfriend and I to conceive the longer we wait, like my aunt?

I don't ovulate and therefore don't get periods unless I'm on birth control. I started my period at age 13, I'm 20 now and it's never ever been regular. I stopped taking birth control eight months ago, still no period. I've taken countless pregnancy tests, all negative. When I try to talk to the doctors, they usually brush it off with "wait a couple more months and see if you get your period". I'm going this Wednesday, what can I say to make them actually do something?

and should we think about having a baby sooner than later? I'm getting worried if we wait too long, we'll never have one at all.




  1. i would ask your doctor for a referral to an endocrinologist. i had been trying to get diagnosed for nearly 10 years with doctors saying i didn't have it when had all the symptoms. i have been diagnosed with pcos now as well as diabetes which can occur. they had been doing ultrasounds for years. DO NOT GIVE UP HOPE or get discouraged. If u are wanting to try to conceive naturally you could look into seeing a Naturopath. I get very irregular periods say once every few months. a good source of information is

    they have tips and information to help you.

    Hope this helps in some way.

    At least to know that you are not alone.

  2. I would talk to your doctor about Clomid and provera. Clomid makes you ovulate and provera makes you have a period without the chemicals that prevent you from getting pregnant. I would tell them you want to start now instead of waiting. I think it does get harder the longer you wait. I got pregnant with these meds about three years ago and now they are no longer working. If you are ready to have a baby then get started. Good luck and God bless.

  3. I have PCOS never a period till I was 15 went on the BC to help regulate them as I could bleed for 2 weeks at a time then stop for a few days then start again or I could go for months and months without one. It took me 18 mths to conceive my son when I was 25 I had to force myself to have a period with Provera and then take a triple dose of fertility drugs Clomid after the 4th month on the drugs it worked. Now I have been TTC #2 at 29 and it's been a little over 2 1/2 years with no luck with the provera and Clomid but I am not giving up hope. Every case of PCOS are different so you may or may not have any trouble I guess the only way you will see is when you start trying.

    Good luck to you :-)

    I would ask the Dr. for some provera you may only need it once to kick start your cycles.

  4. Just tell the Doctor the same thing your telling us. that your period is very irregular, and in your family runs the PCOS. and if you want to get pregnant now he may put you on Provera to help induce your period. and after that clomid to help you ovulate. Just asking about Provera. Oh they also prescribed Metamorfin or Fortamet that to help with the PCOS. insuline resistance. He may wanna do that first.

    We are on the same boat here... !!!

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