
Pcos how long did it take some women to get pregnant?

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just found out a few days ago that ive got pcos and wondering how long did it take some women to get pregnant




  1. I was trying to conceive for 4 years in total, I started treatments April 07 and got my BFP April 11th, 2008.

    I concieve from being on clomid 50mg for 7 cycles and metformin 1500mg for 6 months

    Baby dust to you

  2. i have PCOS for 10 yrs. and we were trying for exactly 2 yrs. when i got pregnant..i started the injectibles treatment last Jan. 2008 and i conceive on May 2008....

    my treatments were follistim injectibles, trigger shot, timed intercourse, first try of preseed!

  3. i have had pcos for 12 years been trying to have a baby for six still not pregnant but pcos effects everyone different so you will not know until you start trying clomid never done anything for me but it has worked for lots of women good luck

  4. Hiya,  I found out on Thursday that I have PCOS,  my consultant recurred me that around 22-25% of women have this.

    Not sure on the the length of time it takes because we are also ttc but he advised me on the following -

    *Lose weight, try the low Gi Diet (been doing it since Saturday & have so much energy!!

    *Have s*x at least twice a week as we ovulat irregularly

    * I have acupuncture on Wednesday as my consultant said that it helps.

    * Exercise at least 5 times a week of 30 minutes (even if it's walking)

    He said if I do all these things my periods should come back more regular so we will have more chance of conceiving.

    Good Luck to you - e-mail me if you want to chat xx

  5. My partner and I were ttc for roughly 4 years, only once I changed my diet, and did regular exercise did i begin to ovulate regularly. and we conceived my son within the year. everyone is different, i wish you all the best x

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