Hello. I am a junior in a public high school. Both of my parents had been very active Peace Corps volunteers and I have traveled all my life. I've been to more than 20 countries and moved almost every year. The longest I stayed in a country was 2 years. Of course I lost some friends on the way, but I formed a passion to discover places, to contribute to a cause, etc. I want to form a club at school which concentrates on International Community Service. There are so many local clubs to help the local people in USA but I would like to reach out farther.. I want to make fundraisers to help the buying of a BreastCancer Cause machine in Bosnia. and other things as well. I am wondering how else I could help, and i am not sure if many people will sign up because few are aware of the world out there. I will post up fliers and ask permission from the school for this club. Do i need organization representatives or how do I carry out the club? I am not a great leader, but i hope to learn!