
Peace Corps Help??

by Guest62033  |  earlier

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I would like to apply to join the Peace Corps. What is required of an individual applying? I'm 15 now, is there anything specific I should do before I apply? What is it like when you're in the Peace Corps? Please help me!




  1. I wrote more than I want to paste here about it and devoted a section of my web site to it. It starts at

    "What it was like" takes a while.

    If you aim for secondary education you'll have a better chance, but you might be able to be a primary school advisor. Most host countries use their own citizens for primary school teaching.

  2. Right now, it looks like the best thing you can do is research, and learn all you can.

    According to their website, you have to be 18 & a U.S. Citizen. There are opportunities for those without college, but some of their activities do require a degree.
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