
Peace Corps Panama hangouts?

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When I was a pcv in Paraguay we had a few hotels that we always stayed at in the Capital city that gave us special discounts and was also a place where volunteers convened and blew off steam from the frustrations in site. Are there any current pcvs from panama, or any rpcvs that might be able to give me the inside scoop on Panama City from a pcvs perspective? I will be there on vacation in December and would love to meet up with some volunteers or at least know where some of the cool places to go are. cheers!




  1. So, I should go back home to eat bagels...I'm closer to Israel and these people in  Italy don't have any bagels..sniffffff


  2. Hi, I might be able to give you a bit of help.  We have a bagel store in the El Cangrejo neighborhood called New York Bagels.  The owner John served here (Panama) in the Peace Corps and after his time was finished he remained in Panama and opened the bagel store.  When you get to Panama if the taxi driver doesn't know where NY Bagels is tell him in El Cangrejo beside the statue of Einsteins, to be exact on the side of the left ear.  He'll know where the statue sits off Via Argentina.  Tell John one of his regular customers sent you to him.  He's a nice guys with great bagels and a booming business.  Pretty sure John keeps up with the Peace Corp news or can hook you up.

    Enjoy Panama!

  3. If you haven't already tried,you might have better luck with your question at one of the many Peace Corp.  forums/message boards....Suerte!

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