
Peace Rally for immigration?

by Guest56438  |  earlier

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There is a peace rally for immigration reform in Postville IA this weekend. Rumor has it that members of the KKK will be there. I am curious. Is there anyway to find out if the rumors are true or not?




  1. It's a rumor, who cares. The KKK is such a small organization they pose no threat to anyone, unlike racist La Raza and MS13.

    It's mainly going to be Mexicans at that rally and if your of another nationality or race, I'd suggest you not go, It could get violent.  Just look at how they treated the police in L.A. at that rally, violence.

  2. You could go. What they call immigration reform is really amnesty.

  3. Great opportunity for you to get out there with your camera and take pics off all the illegals.  ICE may not be able to get them during the demonstration, but you'll have nice ID for future use.

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