
Peaceful Environmental Protest Ideas?

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What would be a creative way to protest against illegal building on the Black Sea Coast?





  1. Organize a group to protect the coast by making mass actions condemning those who will build thereat.  A permanent watcher must be assigned thereat to monitor and prevent any commencement of construction.

  2. This very morning I was reading the book "Pie any means necessary". I don´t know if this would go beyond your idea of peaceful (it would only damage an ego, but it could get the pie-er into an indeterminate amount of trouble).

    The World Naked Bike Ride is something spectacular. Maybe you could organize a local event in these lines. It is peaceful and quite visible, but you need a lot of people participating.

    Similarly, a big "Free Hugs" event can raise a lot of sympathy, and also requires a lot of people.

    I´ve seen a street theater in a related protest, and I liked it. Humor is a powerful tool. This works with just half a dozen to a dozen people.

    If you come up with a nice, funny text of protest and circulate it by e-mail, you will also reach a wide audience. Again, humor is powerful. And you can even do this alone... but only if you are a really good writer or get visited by the right Muse, of course.

    You could ask for help of your local chapter of the Cacophony Society (or start it, if it does not exist). They can do all kinds of crazy stuff.

    Or you could go to your nearest Infoshop, and look for people wanting to help and/or give you more ideas.

  3. What gives you the right to live in a house, and deny someone else the right to do the same, as long as they comply with the law?  Sounds kind of small and selfish of you.

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