
Peak watt ratings?

by  |  earlier

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i got a dc to ac inverter and it said to check my electronics peak watt ratings. Does anyone know how?

I have a phone, camera and laptop,

do i look in the instructions?

if so, where?





  1. The instructions will have it.

  2. A camera and 'phone won't amount to much, the laptop would be the concern. The 'phone and camera chargers (I am assuming chargers) will most probably have a rating plate on the pack, you are looking for a wattage or a current.

    The laptop could have a plate, or if you use a mains supply pack, it will be marked. May be in watts or amps.

    If all are marked in wattage, you only need add them together for the peak.

    If marked in current (amps or milliamps is most likely what you will see), you can arrive at wattage with a little math.

    The formula W = Current in amps x normal mains voltage (110, 240 or whatever you have), will give watts.

    Milliamps are 1/1000th. Amp., so 200 milliamps, for example, is 200/1000 or 0.2 Amps. You must use Amps or fractional Amps for the calculation.

    Hope this helps.

  3. I think if your inverter is more than 1200 watts you should be safe. If you hook up your laptop the inverter light should blink or beep if its too much power (thats what mine did).   The rest should be good to go.
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