
Peanut Butter Jelly Time Shirt?

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If I wore a Peanut Butter Jelly Time shirt with a banana on it to school, would I get in trouble? I know that the little phrase ins't bad, but what will the teachers or Principal think?

Would they think it is inappropriate and make me change my shirt? Thanks!




  1. Teachers probably wouldn't get it. It's funny. Don't worry. If they ask... just tell them it's you're "I'm excited for lunch" shirt. Cuz it's PB&J time and you want a banana too. LOL

  2. i dont understand why that would be bad..... i see nothing in the shirt that could be taken in any other way than like "hey i'm hungry and i like peanut butter and jelly and bananas"

  3. i know the peanut butter jelly thing, and it doesnt have nudity or vulgar language, so you should be good

  4. no i dont think they will

    just wear it  

  5. it depends on your school! your taking a risk but I would love to see it! It sounds like a goofy shirt!  

  6. Why would it be inappropriate?  Wear the shirt.

  7. No. I dont think you would get in trouble.....i know you would not!!! =]]

  8. I guess it depends on where the school is. If it's in a little podunk town in TX then maybe. My sister wore a shirt that said what the duck and she had to change. Just bring another shirt as backup. If you're worried then don't bother wearing it.

  9. WHERE DO YOU GET THOSE SHIRTS???? i WANT ONE SOO BAD!!! I don't think that they would make you change your shirt...

  10. you won't get in trouble for that.

    i have seen people wear it to school before and not get in trouble

    unless your school has different rules

  11. As long as the words and picture were not explicit your fine.  Gotta love Brian the dog.

  12. it's a dancing banana. there was this kid at my school that had a s**y time shirt and he never had to change. idk how strict your school is though...

  13. No it's fine. They won't make you change.

  14. Someone might raise an eyebrow because it was featured on Family Guy, but that banana was dancing long before that. I say rock out the Peanut Butter Jelly Time T. Claim your pro brown bag lunch.  

  15. You wouldn't get in trouble.   You might have to explain it to them if they are really out of the loop, but that's it.

  16. no

    its just a dancing banana

  17. Woah I think you ought to change your shirt

  18. I don't think so because it isn't anything that is offensive or anything and if you do get in trouble I think your teachers are jerks

  19. One of my friends has that shirt and he wheres it to school ALL the time! so it must be fine...

  20. Do not worry ,they will think it's peanat butter jelly time .  

  21. not at all!! but good thing you asked to be safe.

  22. Why inappropriate? If anything I'd say you like PBJ and bananas!

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