
Peanut baby ~from mexico?

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Has anyone heard of the "peanut baby" in mexico, it is a real baby the size of a peanut. No one knows how it happend but i guess it is fully developed and everything. And no it is not alive it is in a case or something, They call it a maricle of god. Does anyone knoe the full story behind it and if so could u tell me? That is onfcourse if u know what i am talking about. If u dont u can put in ur imput as long as it isnt ignorant. thank you.




  1. Never heard of the peanut baby, but I did work with a fellow here whose nickname was Cacahuate which means peanut in Mexican Spanish.

    They do have some very interesting urban myths and folk legends here.

    My favorite is the one of the devilishly handsome man who shows up at the rodeo bar, rides the mechaical bull which they keep running faster and faster, but he stays on forever---until it's going so fast that his boots fall off and every sees that one of his feet is that of a goat and the other is thatof a rooster!

  2. There was an exhibit in Mexico city a few weeks ago, they had all these weird things at the museum, like a real vampire and other weird things. It was probably there.

  3. maybe your talking about a saint  it is a figure of a little boy inside a peanut and it is in some church but i don't remember where. It is called "El nino del cacahuatito" and they say he makes a lot of miracles.

  4. couldn't find anything on it.  sorry.  never heard of it.

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