
Peanut butter for 4 year old?

by  |  earlier

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My daughter is 4 years old and she wanted a pb&J sandwich, well I made it and even cut it out with a heart shaped cutter and she refuses to eat, she sometimes eats good sometimes she wont eat at all for either lunch or dinner :( Is this bad? She weighs 30 pounds so its not like she is not eating at all




  1. My son eats all morning, but then doesn't eat a good lunch or dinner.  He eats a yogurt when he gets up at about 6:30.  At 9 he eats cereal, at 10 he eats a PB&Bannana sandwich.  Sometimes at about 12 he eats lunch, chicken nuggets and some fruit.  But generally, he doesn't eat after that.  

  2. i have a 4 year old little girl and she is the same way sometimes she eats and sometimes she doesn't. i just keep offering her different foods and keep snacks available. she weighs 35lbs but she is also tall.  

  3. if my son asks me to make something i will, but if he doesn't eat it i just put it in a plastic sandwich baggie and show him where it is in the fridge. I explain when he gets hungry later, he can finish (food). I will not make him anything else until it's gone. Otherwise he'll have me wrapped around his finger!!!!

  4. I made my son the exact lunch he asked for today and he even said he was hungry and then he ate two bites after much prompting and then was done.  Sometimes you just can't win!  My son is exactlly the same way and I figure they will eat when they are hungry and I won't force him.  If he gets hungry later then fruit and veggies are his only option but he normally doesn't get hungry.  Just go with the flow, no kid starves when food is made available.

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