
Peanut butter for dogs?

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is it healthy to be feeding my dog peanut butter?




  1. I'm not sure if it's "healthy," but in small amounts (like a spoonful) it does no harm. My old dog used to LOVE peanut butter...

  2. as long as you dont give him too much its okay..dogs love it :0)

  3. In moderation it's ok. My vet recommended we use chunky peanut butter to give my dog her pills - we mix up a little bit of peanut butter with the pill and she licks the whole thing up without even noticing the pill.

  4. Of course! It make them look like they're talking too! But avoid pastachios, those are poisonous for dogs!

  5. I think its ok but just not too much you dont want them to choke without something to drink.(you know how it is). I think its funny to spoon it into the middle of a bone and watch them try to l**k it out. and sometimes I give my big dog the empty jar and she will l**k it to death.

  6. I dont think your supose to give dogs straight peanut butter because they can choke on it. I know they can have it but i wouldnt suggest feeding them from a spoon or anything

  7. it is fine as long as you don't give him too much. We give it to our dog too to see him l**k...But only as a treat.

  8. Dogs love peanut butter. It is good for them but it makes them l**k their mouth alot thats all. They won't l**k their mouth forever just a little while. It gets stuck to the roof of their mouths

  9. I use peanut butter refrigerated to give pills the dogs love it , but beware some dogs can be allergic to it just like people !

  10. I wouldn't give it to your dog too often. It's really funny if you put it on your dogs nose and they try to get it off :).

  11. Peanut butter is fairly high in fat, but it's not bad for your dog as long as it's used in moderation. I use organic peanut butter, but I've no idea if that's significantly better - it just makes me feel better about it!

    Most dogs LOVE peanut butter, and a Kong filled with the stuff and frozen for a few hours or overnight, is the number one favorite with our 'pack'.

  12. It's a good treat to give your dog in moderation.  Fill a Kong with treats and put p-nut butter in and freeze it.  They love it.  

  13. Here is the only time i give peanut butter to a dog.   I let him have just a little on a piece of bread with his pill stuck in the peanut butter.  AND I DO MEAN A LITTLE.  Peanut butter is not good for them, as is chocolate not good for them.

  14. our dogs love peanut butter. i give it to them in a sandwich(only half), it keeps them quiet for about 2 minutes. i do get a kick out of them trying to l**k the inside of their mouths. but only every now and again.

  15. I am pretty sure it is fine, just not too much!!!  My pup LOVES pb!  Sometimes for an extra treat I will mix about a teaspoon or two of melted PB and mix it in his food!  He loves it, and loves me too when I do that!!

  16. Mine used to love it. We never had any problems

  17. Well when I make my self a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich I share it with my 6 month old pug. Yes, it is okay. BUT DON'T FEED IT PEANUT BUTTER THAT OFTEN. I think that is bad. But you CAN feed it peanut butter once in a while.

  18. I make peanut butter dog is good for is the recipe...

    But first....It’s important to remember when making treats for your dogs that a dog’s digestive system is different from a human being, so what you eat is not necessarily good for your dog.

    For a list of foods that dogs should not eat please visit

    But here is the recipe for the biscuits...

    Peanut Butter Dog Biscuits

    Makes a whole bunch

    3 cups whole wheat flour

    ½ cup rolled oats

    2 tsp baking powder

    1 ½ cups milk

    1 ¼ cups all-natural peanut butter

    1 tbsp molasses

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Combine flour, oats and baking powder in a large bowl. Mix the milk, peanut butter and molasses until smooth, then add to dry ingredients. Stir until well combined and a stiff dough forms. Add more flour if dough is still sticky. Form into a ball and knead for several minutes on a floured surface until smooth adding flour as necessary.

    On a smooth surface roll the dough out to ¼ inch thick. As you roll out the dough continue to pat flour into the dough to keep it from sticking. I flip the dough over several times to make sure it is not sticking to the surface. Once the dough is rolled out cut out shapes with cookie cutters and place on a cookie sheet. Gather up scraps and roll out again. Continue cutting shapes and rolling out scraps until all dough is used up.

    Bake for 20 minutes or until lightly browned. Turn off oven and leave in oven overnight or until oven is completely cooled. Store in airtight container or freeze.

    Leaving the biscuits in the oven overnight while the oven cools off allows them to harden really well. That way the biscuits are more crunchy and dogs find them more interesting to eat.

  19. I think it depends on how much and how often. I give it as a treat every now and again. I also use it to give pills.

  20. My dog loves Peanut Butter.Once in awhile i will give her a little bit for a special treat. Afraid of additives in P.B.  Found that the doggy P.B. flavored biscuits from Petco  is equally enjoyed.  Why not play it safe?

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