
Peanut butter while breastfeeding?

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Is it alright for me to have peanut butter while breastfeeding?

What is the age that babies / kids can eat peanut butter?




  1. Yes, it is fine for you to have peanut butter or any other food while breastfeeding.  As far as giving baby peanut butter it is recommended to wait 1 year.  However it is widely believed that breastfed babies have little or no food allergies after 6 months because of the slight exposure during b/f'ding.  To be on the safe side I eat what I like and hold off on peanut butter until 1 year.

    Very best wishes!

  2. Peanut is fine while breastfeeding.  if it wasn't I doubt W.I.C would let breast feeding moms buy it.  I would wait at least a year before giving a baby peanut butter, and make sure you have plenty of milk around so it doesn't get stuck.

  3. They should not have it until a year, I think, but I eat it all the time and I'm breastfeeding. It just depends on whether the baby has an allergy to it or not. I eat it twice a week or so, with no problems.

  4. I read that you should avoid foods with peanuts in them because the baby might have an allergic reaction. I have not found out when it's okay to introduce them though...

    If my kid is allergic to peanut butter, I'll be devestated. LOL I eat PB n J sammiches everyday!

  5. I have heard that if you have peanut allergies in your family you should avoid them during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Other than that it's fine.

    My mom couldn't eat meat while pregnant and lived on pb. Some days all I have time for is a pb&j sandwich, I would be in big trouble if I couldn't eat it.

    Babies shouldn't have high allergy foods until after 1yr.

  6. Since peanut allergy runs in my husband's family my pediatrician recommended that I do not eat any peanut products while breast feeding and to not have anyone hold her while they are consuming peanut products.  Best to not introduce peanuts to them until after 2 years per my doc.

    If you do not have history of the allergy on either side it may be different for you, ask the doctor.

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