
Pedatricaian difficulties?

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I am 14 and have a very condesending pedeatrician. He does not take my intrests or questons into account. He is also difficult to contect so I end up with a nurse practioner most of the time. In addition it always seems like he only cares about drugs acohal and abstince whitch are not major concerns in my life. I have asked my mom to switch me to a diffrent pedeatrican but she holds that it is more comvenient to take 3 kids 11 14 and 6 months at the same time. This is really turning me off the medical practice any advice?




  1. next time a nurse comes in explain it to her and she can either discuss it with him or tell someone at who is higher than him/

  2. Maybe you can see an internist instead of a pediatrician now. Ask your mother to make an appt. for you with her Dr.

  3. Thats doctors for ya

  4. I started just seeing the nurse practitioner when I was about 12.  I had similar difficulties with my pediatrician so I just having my appointments with the nurse practitioner instead.  I saw her until I started seeing my OB/GYN.

    The NP (nurse practitioner) can do everything that a doctor can do.  If you get along with her then I would just start seeing her instead.

  5. At 14, I think it might be a reasonable request to ask to move to your parent's doctor - you're outgrowing the pediatrician, especially if he's talking over your head and not talking to YOU.   (Plus, taking 3 kids to the doctor at the same time is INSANE!)  Also, as a girl, you might start to prefer a woman doctor, especially if you ever have a need for gynecological exam.

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