It was mid-December, after sunset, so it was dim, not dark dark, with streetlights. On a one-way street (3 lanes across, on-street parking on both sides) a pedestrian (not in crosswalk) exited the roadway to the left, almost reached the parked vehicles when side swiped by a vehicle.
Police summarized the collision to be ped's fault - he should've yielded to vehicle when not in crosswalk. But ped was not stepping into oncoming traffic; he crossed the street, stepping away. When he started to cross from the right, traffic was stopped on red at an intersection some distance away. This vehicle turned into this one-way street and swiped the ped (in the back) in the left lane.
The driver's insurance rejected ped's claim - driver totally not responsible for his injuries - saying ped did not use crosswalk, it was dark (though there's streetlight), ped did not wear light-color clothing (he carried a flashlight though), driver did not see ped until too late to avoid, etc.