
Pedigree Adoption Commerical - Echo?

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Does anyone know what breed Echo is? She's so beautiful. I'd love to adopt a dog like her.




  1. OMG I think I am gonna cry! What a beautiful little doggy she is!

  2. She could be a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever or mix.  Though she is really light compared to most Tollers that I have seen.

    ETA: My first link did not work, so here is a new link with a picture

  3. it's a golden retriever/border collie.

  4. she's more than likely a golden retriever and either border collie or husky type of mix.  her face structure and eyes are golden.  the golden hair is golden.  but the white markings are usually associated with border collies or husky type of dogs.  plus the coat is a nice mix of what you would get with a golden  and either border collie and husky.  and she very well could be a mix of all 3.

    echo was rescued from a shelter about a year ago.  she only had a few days left when someone saw the potential in her.  she is a beautiful dog and there are millions like her in almost every shelter across the US.  

    go to  put in your zip code and you can put in a mix of any of those 3 breeds i listed and you should be able to find a dog that resembles echo.  

    while i don't think pedigree is the best food out there for your dog, they do a wonderful job of bringing awareness to shelter dogs and do so much to help them.

  5. She looks to be of mixed breeds. She really is beautiful! That commercial always made me feel so just saddens me. That one & the one with Sarah McLachlan...I have to turn to channel every time that one comes on.

    But anyway, I would try posting this question in the Pets section instead. You'll probably get better ideas there.

  6. Oh, that makes me want to reach through my screen and give that sweet doggie lots of hugs and kisses.  

    I get really sad about animals in shelters  :-(

    She looks like a Golden Retriever mix.

    Go post this in the section about animals, instead of people adoption, and you'll probably find people who have more knowledge of breeds.

  7. Did you see the one where they show her at her new home? It made me so happy to see that! I knew she must have been adopted, but the first commerial was so sad!

  8. I dont know what breed of dog she is, but would guess golden retriever and husky mix. She is a beautiful dog, but there are many equally beautiful dogs at shelters everywhere.

    My daughter loves this commercial because her name is Echo as well, and she gets a kick out of the dog having "her" name.

  9. Echo is a mutt....just like me!  Echo is a close cousin of mine ;-)

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