
Pedophile question? Please answer!?

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I heard recently that Pedophiles would not only serve jail time and be registered to the s*x Offenders list if convicted of a s*x crime, but that they would also have their foreheads branded. Firstly I want to know if this is true, and secondly do you think that this is a fitting punishment for b@st@rds of this caliber. Personally I love the idea.




  1. i sold my cattle to pay taxes , i still have my branding iron where can i apply for this job

  2. You are asking a question that is not so easily answered.  The Federal Law sets minimum basic standards by which states must use for treating crimes of this type but states can and often will enact their own laws that can supercede the Fed as long as they are Constitutional and are not considered cruel and unusual punishment.  No matter what one's emotional response to the issue, not ALL crimes are equal.

    Even with your clarification, onbe cannot eliminate adolescent "statuatory rapists"

    For example, a high school teen having consensual s*x with another teen, can be considered a s*x offender and can be dealt with in the harshest manner (this is an example of 2 recent cases before the Supreme Court - High Schoolers having consensual s*x with other teens tried, convicted and held in prison for 10 years)

    Not every crime is equal so broad generalizations must not be made in these instances....

    Now back to the question -

    Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act amended by both Megan's law and Pam Lychner Sexual Offender Tracking and Identification Act of 1996 set the guidelines for registration and tracking of ALL s*x offenders.  

    All s*x offenders must notify the local police department and justice system every time they move into a city, neighborhood or even travel.

    if they do not, they can have their freedom revoked and return to prison.  

    I have supplied the link below:

    The system does not always work

    (as in Brent J Brents in Denver, a s*x offender who served a period in prison for rape and child molestation, was allowed to remain free, moving in and out of Aurora, CO, even after confessing to child abuse and molestation AGAIN in Feb, 2008, and proceeded to go on a rape, assalt and murder rampage through downtown Denver in the Summer of 2008)

    In order to actually determine this answer, one will need to investigate each state's statutes on the matter but as far as federal statutes, one will not find tattooing to be a part of any punishment for any crime (that went out with the French in the 1700's when the Fleur de Lis was tattoed on faces, hands and genitalia, depending on the crime and in the US about the same time)

    In some cases, an offender living outside is required to seek and be in professional treatment and, at times, may willingly subject themselves to some form of sterilization, chemica castration, etc, but this is only on the offenders OWN volityion and not a requirement by a statute.

  3. We can't brand everyone who has been in jail.  Alot of people do their time for the crime but it's almost impossible for them to survive with their backgrounds.    Regestering and montoring them is good enough.  No forehead branding.  Can you imagine the following:



    Wife abuse

    child abuse



    I tell you if this happens everyone would be afraid to leave the house.

  4. part of their punishment should be a gunshot to the nuts

  5. I've never heard of that in any civilized country.

    As terrible as paedophiles and their crimes are..this is NOT a good solution.

    Not every case of "s*x crimes" is cut and dry. You run the risk of lumping in a 16 year old who has naughty pics of their girlfriend and the like, not to mention all the people who are later cleared of crimes they were convicted of...what do you do to remove the brand later?

    Also, can you imagine the "vigil ante" justice that would come of it???

    Low Boy, where in the world did you get that statistic?

  6. i haven't heard the branding part, but like you I think it is a god idea.  99% of all s*x offender will re-offend.  This might keep innocent victims away and make the trash stay inside their houses.  

  7. Yes jail time

    yes registered to s*x offenders list

    no branding of the foreheads

  8. Not in the US. A person will be judged by their actions and dealt with in a civilized manner.

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