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What makes soemone who is older than 18 develop sexual attractions for undeveloped children? reffering more to males as they are more common pedophiles, why is it that they develop these feelings? from what i understand it's not natural as humans are meant to be attracted to women with certain reproductive features (eg b*****s which represent fertility). I believe sexual attarction to children is nothing more than a dangerous fetish. And also, a pedohpile who develops these feelings, can they be changed if made aware of the reasons their actions are wrong?




  1. It's a sinful choice.If you were sexually assaulted as a child,you should seek help,even if your parents dont want you to or wont,those who want something bad enough SEEK WHAT THEY WANT IN LIFE! I dont feel sorry for ANY Child rapist,they deserve to die!

  2. I have worked with teen sexual offenders.  Although they were in some cases not pedophiles, many were and were guilty of incest also.

    Sexual offenders in any case have 3 common traits:

    1) Were physically abused as children and/or were witness to

         violence, particularly domestic violence.

    2) Were sexually abused as a youth, or were "tampered" with

         i.e: A boy of similar age at school fondled them.

    3) Were exposed to forms of pornography or material with

        adult content prior to puberty, and often it was as simple

        as finding their fathers dirty magazines. They started

        masturbating at an early age, perhaps behaving inapprop-

        riately with other children they came in contact with as a

        child and then maintained an adulthood obsession with

        pornography - particularly if members partaking in the

        scenes with a powerful male were RELUCTANT.

    Basically when their innocence was stolen before they were mature enough through violence, mental abuse, sexual abuse a wanting for control over an innocent one is required.  Pedophilia as we would all agree is taboo and criminal, and like all sexual offending is a pre-meditated act of control.  Rather than acting out violently - in the case of pedophilia - they act out sexually on an innocent. An innocent that they once were.  They are continuing the vicious cycle, and will do so until they have extreme counselling.

  3. no one's really 100% sure why certain people develop certain preferences. there does seem to be a pretty high correlation between people who were sexually abused as kids and people who develop "taboo" sexual preferences, like pedophilia.

    i've heard both ways on whether the feelings can be changed. with proper therapy, possibly... but some people say the best you can expect is for people to know not to act on the actions... that you can control what you do but you can't control what you feel, you know?

  4. they actually know that their actions are wrong, however, that's why it's a disorder, most of them cannot control it.

  5. Well.  In some rare instances it is a brain mal function.  A severely diminished mental capacity, at birth which shows up in greatly underdeveloped regions of the brain that regulate sensitivity, compassion, relativity...children are easy prey and about on their same intellectual level.  I am not insulting I have seen the photos.

    But the majority of pedophiles are those who have been molested as children themselves.  Sometimes the experience is buried in their subconscious, even they do not remember but it sparks a memory which sparks an action. Others remember only too well and re-enact what was done to them.

    Children are pure, unspoiled and desirable because they have not been ruined by life yet.  And they are easily fooled.  Pedophiles are sometimes psychotic socio paths without compassion or regard for human life. Children are the cream of the crop so to speak in terms of beauty and innocence and they are desired like objects. As one desires a nice car, a purse, or set of golf clubs.

    If I were a nymphomaniac, and this behavior posed a threat to my health or anyone else’s health... I would not blame myself for a medical condition but I would seek help to control the symptoms. This abnormal condition doesn't go away, it only exacerbates like most unhealthy fetishes until eventually you are acting out scenarios once safe as fantasy.

    A doctor can diagnose the condition in private and in confidence.  If needed he can prescribe a libido inhibitor that will make it easier to function on a daily basis without being constantly drawn to children.  

    It should be possible to contribute to society, possible to live a normal satisfied  life without preying on kids.  This unfortunate lust will destroy not only the loving heart and soul of the small victim but in turn...generation after generation of lives THEY will touch when their abuser is finished with them.  

    I would do it so I didn't have to look over my shoulder, worry about getting caught and going to jail.  I would do it so that I could look people in the eye and so I could get some sleep at night.

  6. I've always wondered this. There seems to be a witch hunt mentality in people when the P word is mentioned and they don't seem to care about the Who's What's Where's and more importantly Why's...

    I always thought it was probably an event or trigger or something, possibly elements in the way they were brought up, not always abuse, that puts a cap on their desires...

    For example, when i was in my early teens i fancied girls in my early teens. As i grew older the girls i fancied grew older. Sometimes they were much older sometimes a little younger, but always around my age group...

    Perhaps something happens that stops the Pedophile from being able move on from the initial attraction. Hence forth he is stuck being attracted to girls in their early teens...

    This doesn't explain why people abuse babies and tots... i doubt it's one reason, it's probably a subtle combination of mental faults etc...

    There was a guy on tv who was completely healthy and normal, but then one day started abusing kids and hording kiddy p**n, turned out he had a brain tumour... had it removed and he was normal again... Then a year or so later he started abusing again, got another scan and the tumour had come back...

    It's an interesting question... Difficult to detach your self enough to ponder seriously on the answers though

  7. I am not educated in this area but my guess is that pedophilia stems from stress.  A bizzarre stress reaction that is further complicated by some men feeling inadequate in society with all the demands to 'be a man', and all that that entails attract a woman.  So...they direct their inferiority complex toward a child who is vulnerable and will not have enough power to really reject them.  It is a way for them to regain power in a world in which they feel that they have become powerless.  They will 'make' the child obey them in a very dominating way which gives them a pseudo power that feeds their ego in a false way but still is better than anything else that they experience in a real situation in their interactions with adults.  They like the control factor of it.

    Then some point....yes... I think you are right that it becomes a fetish, they become addicted to it, and they keep doing it.  

    Statisically, the data does not support that pedophiles 'change'.  An article I read for a research paper once said that the average pedophiles strike on the average ....36 times before they are caught the first time.  And after being caught they nearly always re-offend.  Some even request chemical castration, (medication to inhibit sexual performance), because they let the criminal system know that they WILL infact strike again.

    Although disturbing and frightening to think about....this is actually a very interesting subject to study.  It is really puzzling to me why there are so many pedophiles in society.  I know it happens and can guess why it happens and where in the mind that it comes from.........but.....with all the stigma attached to the offenders you would think that they would control or supress these sick urges.  But they don't.  Instead they attack again and again.  It is really amazing to me.

    Then....there are the one time out of the blue offenders.  They seem to never have done it before, yet, when the opportunity presents itself with a child.....they molest them.  

    Perhaps it is a biological primate type thing.  Monkeys living in the jungle have s*x mostly out of nervousness to release pent up sexual tension.  Maybe it is something like that.  Some Darwinism gone wrong ....or residual animalistic type behavior.  Of course, that would be no excuse because we are not monkeys...we are people and must live by societies laws.  But can we really ignore our primal urges and sucessfully repress them all?

    Society is full of people who have these primal urges and stress disorders because they cannot measure up in society.  One such problem is lonliness.  We live in a very lonely society.  Most animals in nature live in groups, especially primates.  We are thought to belong to this group and are most closely related to this group.  Yet, when we reach age 18 (or sooner)....we are taught that we are to leave home and venture out on our own.  Why?

    Financially, socially, emotionally...things would be much simpilar if we would stay with our group...or family.  One household to support, meals prepared and shared together, all items shared between the group, emotional support on a daily basis from people who love us..... all of which  goes away when we venture out on our own.  We are made to feel as if we can no longer rely on that group dynamic anymore, that we must 'find our own way'.  

    Fact:  A bird that is left in a cage alone with no interaction, (either human or from another bird)....will pluck out it's own feathers.  This is a stress reaction, and if allowed to continue, the bird will go 'insane'.  There are actual insane assylums for birds that have gone through this because birds live much longer than humans and require long term care.

    So...if a bird can go insane....and a monkey can go insane....we as people perhaps kid ourselves that we are so mentally strong that we are 'above' these type of psychological reactions from lack of social interaction.

    I think pedophelia comes from stress and percieved social inadequacies.  Perhaps we as a society need to become more pulled together as the stresses of life become more demanding.

    And...a very far out thought... perhaps it is a something like a psychological automatic destructive disorder from some deep seated self hatred that the person harbors inside themselves.  

    So then....the child within themselves becomes mentally transferred to the child that they are hurting.  So in taking control of the helpless victim they change the victim from a real person to the child within themselves and hurt that child because they want to hurt that most vulnerable place within themselves.  

    Much the same way cutters do.  They cut up their own skin to 'feel' the pain in an attempt to achieve satisfaction and healing from the self mutilation.  

    Maybe I am way off base....but it is a thought.
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