
Pedrosa vs Lorenzo???

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Hey,this is not one of those "who of them do you prefer?" questions.I myself can't pick one of them because they are sooo different in their strenghts and behaviour.

Why do you think that they are in such confrontation???If you like you can say who you like better but you will have to explain why.




  1. Well I'm a hardcore Dani fan, so of course I will say Dani. But Lorenzo has really bombed, especially this being his first year in Moto GP. But since he is injured, Dani, will probably win the championship. They are like Rossi, and Max. But of course Rossi, is one of the best. And I'm not one of his fans. But he's such a great rider. But to continue with your question they are pretty close. Because even though Lorenzo is doing great for his first year, Dani also did great his first year. And Pedrosa is consistent.

    So Go Dani!

  2. Hi Sunny Babe. You may as well have my tuppence worth. I agree with all the above. all I would add is i think Lorenzo (who I love to hate) is more emotional than Pedrossa. right through his career Pedrossa has taken a professional approach. he leaves everything at home and does a job. when i think about it like that I am impressed. all that adrenalin and he still stays ice cold.  as for Lorenzo I think his emotion is going to be his down fall until he controls it. you cant ride one of these machines in anger. smooth is the key.

    everyone in GP deserves to be there. there are no weak links. just eager people to replace them, so results count. the rivalry between these two will only benefit the sport. as did the Rossi Gibernau thing. as for who I like better - Dovi.

  3. Um, there was a similar question (didn't have the chance to answer it) and Wiggysan pointed out that as for titles Pedrosa is definitely in the lead, but as for this year it has to be Lorenzo.

    What I like about Lorenzo is his anger. I still remember him in the 250cc when he got second in one of the races. He was devastated. He was so mad. In the same time, when he won, he would go crazy. Jump around, scream, try to imitate someone (not doing it as good as Schumacher and Rossi but still trying...). He has passion. He is real. This year started perfectly for him, now he's having so many problems. But that's what I like about him. Lorenzo will sit down and cry just because he is not gonna race. This is what he loves, this is what makes him who he is. And this is definitely the type of people I like, passionate about what they do and how they are doing it. Always giving 127% (proc, in this case it has to mean something else ;)).

    And let's take a look at Dani. I admire him but that is just it. It finishes with that. There is nothing more I see in him. A short guy who cannot say "congrats, you did it better than me, I'll try and catch you next time". I know that Lorenzo is cocky as h**l but still would give his best to be happy for the other one...

  4. As for pure / gifted talent on a motorcycle, you really have to dig deep to find riders better.

    For " The Gift " shale we call it ? I think there is only:

    Rossi, Kenny Roberts SNR , Fast Freddie, who have it greater.

    As for a battle between these two, it a close one.

    I will not go in-to the  "who of them do you prefer?" BULLSHlT, because we dont need to know or care, just like you said.

    Here is my answer. Lorenzo.

    Why ?

    I'm sure, busted up or not Jorge will still beat Dani in this year's title race.

  5. idk who they aree =(

  6. Hey again Sunny girl

    I think it may be a clash of personalities and, both being Spanish, the fact that they have (probably) spent all their development years seeing each other as the main competition (for titles, and rides, and sponsors and not forgetting the crowds attention!)

    I think Lorenzo is a better showman - but that won't win him any titles.

    I don't know who is "better" and I don't particulary like one more than another! Give it 20 years and the record book's will tell us who really was the best!

    p.s.  d**n shame that we won't be seeing the 2 of them going head to head tomorrow though!

  7. They both have attitude,hunger,arrogance and big balls, although I think Lorenzoniz48ss has just that wee bit more coupled with anger than Pedrobot. But that's what we like to see - personally I'd like to see Lorenzo stay in his seat so that we can see a bit more of them battling it out.

    I think Lorenzo is more 'comical' and therefore more human - although saying that, I have seen a few near (only very near) slight grins on Pedrobot recently - which worries me somewhat????

    Anyways up, forget all that - both very talented and enjoyable to watch ....................

    ....... that is until they get in the way of GOD !

    Enjoy the Race everyone - x*x -
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