
Pee on a stick vs. in a cup. does it make a difference?

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Pee on a stick vs. in a cup. does it make a difference?

ok so im almost positive im prego. i thought i had implantation bleeding n everythin. i have taken a few tests. all the pee on a stick kinds came up negative including the digital ones but the one where you pee in a cup came up a very faint positive. what is going on? was it an "evaporation" line? did i have a miscarriage? please help!




  1. As long as you are doing it properly then so it should not make a difference....make sure you follow the instructions carefully for both...I personally prefer the cup rather than peeing on the stick

  2. Maybe you didn't leave the test in the urine stream long enough? tests here say 10 seconds in the stream. If you got one positive, I would go by that as its more common to get false neg's then false positives ;) Congrats

  3. My advice would be to try peeing on the stick again, perhaps you didn't wait long enough for your body to begin producing hCG.  If the faint positive was the most recent, you should definitely try again.

    I used the Clearblue digital a few days ago and got a positive result after only one minute.  It only requires 5 seconds in the urine stream, which is easier than 10!

    Good luck and I hope you get the result you're hoping for!

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