
Pee pee goes in the toilet, poo poo goes in the underwear/pullup ?

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my son is 3.5, we've been trying to potty train him for the past 2 months, he showed signs that he was ready, he ALWAYS makes the peepee in the toilet, never has accidents, poopoo always goes in the underwear/pull-up he doesn't want to go back to diapers, what can i do? i put him on the toilet maybe once or twice at the right time & he made the poo-poo in the toilet but he never asked himself - he always tells me i feel peepee when he needs to pee - any ideas out there? really appreciate it




  1. I was in class the other day and our professor mentioned something in regards to the pooping fear that I never thought of before..

    She said that some kids get scared because they feel like a part of their body is coming out and then they have to watch it go away.  That just makes sooo much sense when I think about all the kids I worked with helping potty train.  

    If the kid is afraid of what is coming out.. I know this sounds gross but it can help sometimes.. some kids get scared because they cant see it.. so in that case a mirror helps.  

    Those are 2 ideas.. good luck with it.  

  2. Get rid of the pullups, they are basically just diapers so he thinks it's okay to p**p in them. Keep taking him to the toilet.

  3. Find a reward that he really likes. Hot Wheels and/or Matchbox cars worked for my son, or try stickers. Mine didn't poo-train until about 3 1/2. Keep it up, he'll get it!

  4. you might not like this idea . but it worked .   my 3 younger brothers n laws all were that way at the age of 3  . they are now .  7 .   5   . 3

    The 7 year old was still going poo in his undies when he was almost 4 years old .   one day .  my husbands mom had a dr visit ( she was pregnant with the one that is now 3 ) and needed me to watch the other 2 boys .  i had the boys all day and 3 year old went poo several times in his undies . im sure you know the older they are the bigger and icker the poo is . after his 4th time going poo in his pants and me cleaning him up i told him the next time he was cleaning it himself .   soo sure enough there we was hiding under the table finishing his poo poo in his pants .  so i took him to the bathroom and talked him through it . i told him to first take off his dirty undies and shake them over the potty to get the poo out ,  then i handed him a warm soapy cloth and told him to clean his little rear end .  he did and as we was doing it he was saying ,  eww , yucky . poo poo is gross .  and then i told him . see .   me , your parents and your big brothers do not like cleaning up big boys poo poo .  you are a big boy now .   after that he realized it was not exceptable anymore and he stopped .  ( i think him seeing us change the little brothers diapers confused him )   my mother n law was very pleased when she got home , and he was excited to share the news with her . and she thought it was funny that i had him clean his own rear end ...    well . that is my story ..  hope i helped

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