
Peer pressure is a b**** ?

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i dont know if anyones on right now but im 16 i could use some help..i just got back from the bowling ally and a some of my friends where down there and i met some new people but they where smoking blacks (cigs) and they gave me sum and i started puffing away and i rarely smoke like once every 3 months with my friends but my friends most of them seniors where telling me that they got a huka bong and that its so much healthier than cigs and that it gets u buzzed not high but i dont know, one of my friends actually had a breathing prob from smoking but like there where some hot B****ES there and i just wanted to get close rto them u know but im not one to be like that. im the more active person like im in track and i lift weight casually but i dont know what to do.go with the flow and thy not to get addicted? come up with a excuse?




  1. blacks aren't real good for you, but if you dont wanna smoke nothin then jus tell em you dont smoke, i smoke now, but when i didnt, i just told my friends that i didnt smoke  and that i dont wanna(when they offered) all the time and they were always pressuring me to do it but i jus told em no thanks and stuff.

    but if you need an excuse, jus tell em that u need to take pee tests(or watever) in your track or sports thing and if you dont pass youll get kicked off...


    u cant get addicted to bud like u can from cigs, and they arent bad for you...  

  2. just don't do it.

    it ruins your life.

    i know you've probably heard that before.

    but trust me don't.

    and there are other hott girls in the world.

  3. Hookah is so lame.

    And I have never gotten buzzed doin it.

    And they don't taste very good.

    It's just huting your lungs for no reason IMO....

    But there are hot chicks there so I would do it in a heartbeat.

    Doing it one time won't kill you....

  4. How about be your own person and make your own choice.IF you truly love sports and breathing,then smoking is not for you.Plus,no self respecting girl likes a guy who reeks of nasty smoke odor and yellow teeth.It's nasty to say the least.And girl's who smoke!! Please,you might as well kiss toilets for a living.  

  5. Hookah doesn't get you buzzed. Just be straight up and say no.. stick around for the girls. If they think you're not chill just because you don't smoke, they're laaaame anyway.  

  6. It seems they have had you suckered in for a while,  you don't do stuff just cuzz other people do it.  If you don't want to do it, I'm sure they would rather not spend money on cigars you don't like.

    I might say just hang around with them, but second-hand smoke is almost (pretty sure) worse than first-hand (whatever its called)

    You are going down a violent road

    a road i like to call violence road.

    you are as lame as me if you get the reference.

  7. u can do hookah

    its like 40x not as bad a cigs and is not addictive

    its like flavored air and u get light headed for 10 seconds

    its more of a social thing and yea u cna bone dat chik if u smoke with her

  8. peer pressure sure is a witch(b)

    i assume you are talking about legal tobacco, so i would just tell them next time that you tried it and didn't really like it and didn't enjoy the buzz, so you will just pass this time

    worry about your health and your sports and your future, not what other people think

    if they can't accept that, then maybe you need to find some different friends to hang with after bowling

    (if it wasn't legal tobacco, Defiantly find some new friends and loose those guys)

  9. ...DON'T SMOKE. its bad for you and illegal in most places until 18. if you run track then your performance WILL go down, and you WILL get cancer, and you WILL die at and earlier age. I'm a around your age and i still now this. and in all honesty most girls like to kiss guys that don't taste like cigarettes.

  10. Hi,

    I don't see the problem here?

    You sound like you don't want to do it so don't do it -_-

    Why are some people so willing to do what other people say.

    Me on the other hand I f-ing hate people to tell me what to I just really stubburn & stand my ground.

    I have had my share of peer pressure froming smoking, drinking, inhaling, pills, drugs, etc etc name it...I have been offered some of it.

    Did I ever do it when someone told me to? h**l no....sorry I have a brain & I like to use it sometimes -_-  lol.

    But, point being we all have regrets...believe me I am no angel, but I have a lot less regrets then a lot of people I know.

    Some people tell me this & that of what they have done, and guess what they all regret on the other hand can say 'oh, never done that...what were you thinking'.

    Do you want to ruin your health for a few girls?

    You can get more girls if you are winning sports for your school.

    Oh, & think ahead to you might get caught too.

    Not worth your time, dude.

    And, don't worry so much about losing face when you turn your friends down....I always turned my friends down when they offered me things or pressured me..if anything they respected me more & stopped asking me. It's not that hard to stand up to people -_-

    Be yourself do what you want to do.

    Not like they won't be your friend if you don't smoke...let them think whatever.

    You have your pride & self worth.

    Are you listening to me or wasting my time, dude?

    Do whats best for you not the opposite & while your friends are smoking huka with some girls you can be working out & playing sports getting better girls.

    Be yourself is what I am getting at & you'll like yourself for that.

    You sound cool to me...that isn't going to go away just cuz you do what you know is right for you.

    I hope I helped you out :D :D :D              

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