
Pelosi, the biggest failure as Speaker of the House?

by Guest33469  |  earlier

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Even though I don't think President Bush has done a very good job. It doesn't help matters for him when there is no compromise between him and a defunct Congress that can't agree on anything. Accusations and pointing fingers at each other from both sides don't help the situation. Thats why our legislators can't get nothing accomplished because there always focusing on the problems others are causing and not at what they do themselves. In fact, they make me feel like they blame the American citizen and all other foreign nations for doing everything wrong. Are they punishing us by not passing laws that would bring the war to end, solve the economic crisis were in, save the enviroment, and etc.. The legislators say we have the solutions to solve the problems if we only worked together. Well, the problems they want to solve wouldn't be there if they(the government) never started them in the first place. Pelosi, and the Democratic Congress are just as guilty as Bush and the Supreme Court .




  1. This congress is like a train wreck. Lowest approval ratings in history (3 times lower then the president) and they've done NOTHING right. But the liberal media won't harp on that the way the jump all over Bush.

    If Yomama wins, just expect things to get much worse.

  2. Totally agree, she says that about Bush and congress has a 9% aapproval rating the lowest in history. And she is Speaker of the House, she's a loser.

  3. They're actually worse,but then again they prove it with something new daily,just ask Harry Reid.

  4. As I told my friend's, who is the bigger fool?  The one who calls the fool a fool, or the fool?

  5. Pelosi and Reid are the Bud Abbott and Lou Costello of the 21st century. They are too dumb to decide who is the fat one and who should wear the pants.  Reid is a pansy and Pelosi looks like a d**e. Hopefully both of them will be thrown out of office the next time they come up for election.

  6. yes, she sucks ***.  in the time of need, she drops the ball, just like all democrats. this is NOT a socialist republic. We are a Federalist Republic. In other words, we represent the people we elect.

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