
Pelosi's plan?

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In April, 2006, Nancy Pelosi said if Democrats are given control of Congress, which they were:

Americans this week are paying $2.91 a gallon on average for regular gasoline – 33 cents higher than last month, and double the price than when President Bush first came to office.

“Democrats have a commonsense plan to help bring down skyrocketing gas prices by cracking down on price gouging, rolling back the billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies, tax breaks and royalty relief given to big oil and gas companies, and increasing production of alternative fuels.”





  1. Yea, yea, yea. Haven't we been hearing this BS since the days of Jimmie Carter????????????????The moral of this story is, the more you expect from government, the more disappointed you will be.

    Call it BS, call it manure,  call it male cow excrement, BS by any other name is still BS.

  2. We have successfully obstructed their plan. They do not have the votes yet. As we ratchet up the rhetoric and war planning for Iran oil and gas prices will INCREASE! Our President Bush will brook none of their liberal interference in our oil resources.

  3. Here is a simple civic lesson (try to understand).

    Democrats have a slim majority of Congress (51%-Democrat/49%-Republican) with the Republican President still able to veto anything passed by the slim majority.

    To override a Presidental veto, you need 2/3 majority in Congress, which, as previously stated, is hard to do with a 51% majority.

    The Democrats are focusing their energy in winning the Presidency so that changes to the current course of government will not be fought in a veto vain.

    Trust me, once a Democrat becomes President in November, you will see a swift and positive change in our governmentand its policies.

  4. The Dems wanted ascension so their cut of the corruption cow would be larger

  5. Just think about how schizophrenic that plan is!

    "Cracking down on price gouging" ???

    The Government makes more per gallon of gasoline than the oil companies do! The Government is the true price gouger

    "rolling back the billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies, tax breaks and royalty relief given to big oil and gas companies"

    That is Democrat speak for INCREASING taxes on oil companies. When taxes on any corporation in the world increase, they pass the taxes along to the customer. It's a very basic fact in economics and business. How will paying more taxes at the gas pump lower the cost of gasoline.

    I think  Nancy Pelosi must  know this will raise prices. If she doesn't know it, there are 4 possibilities -  She either thinks we are too stupid to realize it, or she is completely out of touch with reality. She is very stupid or she is schizophrenic.

    My theory is - the party of the poor, is out to make more poor people. The more poor people it makes, the more power it has.

    By the way, it's more than $3.91 a galon

  6. See...there you go...the great democrat plan in action!

    Maybe they plan to refine the blood from aborted babies

    to quell the crisis in oil!
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