
Penal code help (PC 203 (Mayhem)) *Free 10 pts to thorough answer*** please help

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I've been reading the Criminal act of mayhem Penal Code 203. I read that "Every person who unlawfully and maliciously deprives a human

being of a member of his body, or disables, disfigures, or renders it

useless, or cuts or disables the tongue, or puts out an eye, or

slits the nose, ear, or lip, is guilty of mayhem."

I might have committed a similar crime where the after math of that crime was a simple burn mark, BARELY noticeable (even to the victim) Would that count as a Penal Code 203 Offense? Or even a Aggravated Mayhem offense? I have not been convicted or even charged yet. And i know it would be "more fitting" to consult an attorney, however i thought that it would be quicker and I would probably get a better answer from this site. By the way, the Deputy had told me that if i were to get charged, that i would get charged with a "battery."

-The reason I thought my case would be a "mayhem" crime was because of this "-disables, disfigures, (of a body part). And a barely noticeable burn mark would be a disfigurement.... right? Help please.




  1. No.  When the law says disfigurement, it means something severe, something bad enough that the person would attract attention walking down the street.  Mayhem is a very serious felony, and you get it for permanently disabling someone to the point of near-incapacity, cutting off limbs, or wreaking severe bodily injury.  A small cigarette burn doesn't qualify.

  2. While you left a mark it's not Mayhem. Mayhem is a serious crime and you would have been arrested on the spot. By disfigure they are referring to something never being the same again. For example Tyson biting Hollyfields ear off.

  3. No California DA would pursue that charge for a small burn scar.  Battery, at most, is what you would face.

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