
Penalty for expired Open ticket

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I paid for my Opened ticket mega money (1500pounds). After 6 months, my airline rang me up and said that my Open ticket had expired and since I had not notified them I am classed as No-Show and will have to pay 1000pounds penalty. I looked through terms and conditions and I could not find anything about the penalty. I would agree for a small administrative charge, but 1000 pounds sounds a bit excessive. Is that legal what they are trying to do?




  1. IF it is not in the Terms and Conditions that you agreed to, then no. But if they mentioned it and said refer to the full Terms and Conditions on the website (for example) then yes, you will be liable for it. Consult free legal aid and ask them for advice.

  2. If there is nothing in writing on your open ticket ,or in the service conditions then they have no right trying to get more free money for non service.You have already resigned yourself to the loss of 1500 pounds ( their gain for nothing ).You should on NO  account pay any charges,they have had enough money for nothing. IF THEY THREATEN LEGAL ACTION ,TAKE THEM UP ON IT,a good solicitor should enjoy this one,and don,t forget to go for mental stress ,harassment and costs.BON VOYAGE AND GOOD LUCK.You could also ask for your 1500 pounds to be returned as you have not availed yourself of their services.

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