
Pencil/paper games like MASH!! HELP?

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NOT like tic tac toe, hide go seek, spin the bottle, dots, squares, ect...

I want the games that you write on paper.

There is a lot of them but I can't remember them..

I know there is MASH. LEMON. ORANGE. TRUE LOVE. FLAME ect..

Can you help me?? please.




  1. I don't know if this qualifies as a paper game, but its the Chinese fortune one where you essentially use origami to make this four section "cookie" put numbers on the top for places and whoever picks the number then they open the mouth that many number of times, then they pick an inside number, do it again, and then another number you open it up to reveal the fortune...and its all up to the person who makes the cookie!  You can write whatever into the sections, the numbers, or instead of numbers you can spell out words...i just remember they were really fun to do on the bus ride home!

  2. played squares?

    Draw a 7x7 array of dots and this is for two players with different colored pencil crayons.

    Take in turns to draw a line from one dot to another but not diagonally until a square is formed

    when you form a square write the initial of your name in the square then have another go

    when there is a square in every place, count the amount of squares you both have and see who has the most.

    on a 7x7 grid it is possible to have a draw at 18 squares a piece so find a tiebreaker situation

    Have Fun!

  3. hangman

  4. I know MASH, so I think I know what you're talking about (although I would greatly appreciate it if you emailed me about those other games because I've never heard of them).

    I know a game called "Who What Where When Why" that works ideally for five people, but whatever works.  Each person has a piece of paper and writes the above on it (with spaces between).  You fill in the "Who" section first and when everyone's done you fold over the "Who" section so no one can read it, and pass your paper to the left (or right, it doesn't matter as long as it's consistent).  Everyone has a passed piece of paper and they make up a "What," but don't read the "Who."  This goes on until all sections are done and then are read aloud for laughs.

    Who can be anything or anyone, specific names or not.

    What usually works best when it's a verb.  Such as "Jumping on a trampoline," or something of that nature.

    Where can be anywhere, obviously.

    When, again, can be anytime or event.

    Why answers work best when "Because" is used.  For example:  "Because Sarah loves shoes."

    From personal experience, I think the game works best with friends that you know well.  It can get stuffy sometimes if you're not willing to laugh at each other.

    I hope this helps.


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