
Pencillin and Birth Control?

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How long after I stop taking the antibiotic do I still have to use a back-up method?




  1. You still need to take extra precaution for 7 days after you finish a short course of penicillin antibiotics. You are not contraceptively safe while you are taking the antibiotic and for 7 days afterwards. During the last seven days you should be taking the active pills from your pack (run the active pills of packets together i.e miss the inactive pills and go onto the active pills from the next sheet).

  2. I had the same problem, with me with amoxacillin, if you took the pencillin beginning of the month, then the next month you can start taking the BC, so usually about a month or so. I waited for a month until I went back on the Bc, thats what my pharmacist told me.

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